= = = COLOR BOTS = = =

Created by Jack Eisenmann
Inspired by nothing in particular

Generation count: 0
Generation age: 0
Average score: 0

Red food reward: (Score added for eating this color food)
Green food reward:
Blue food reward:

Cell penalty: (Score removed for every non-empty cell)
Adjacent cell reward: (Score added for every cell adjacent to another cell with the same color)

Maximum food count:
Generation length:


Every bot consists of various cells. If a cell comes into contact with a food pellet with the same color, the bot will eat the food.

At the end of each generation, a score is calculated for every bot. The worst half of the bots die. The best half reproduce with mutation.

Bot score is determined by food intake and body cell composition.

After many generations, the bots should evolve to have a better score. Have fun playing with the parameters!