Complex Automata

By Jack Eisenmann

Number of states:
Rule generation:
Maximum number of set commands:
Maximum number of neighbor commands per set command:
Possible number of neighbors for neighbor command:
0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8  
Neighbor command should include dead state
Should include not commands


A rule consists of a series of commands. A command contains a command name and some arguments. Each argument may be a number literal or another command.

List of commands:
set (state) (condition): Sets the current cell to a state if the condition is true.
local (state): Returns true if the current cell has a certain state.
neighbor (state) (number): Returns true if the current cell has a certain number of neighboring cells with the given state.
and (condition) (condition): Returns true if both conditions are true.
or (condition) (condition): Returns true if either condition is true.
not (condition): Returns true if the condition is false.

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