Vötgil phonology, grammar, and lexicon are presented on this page.
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= = = ALPHABET = = =
There are 20 consonants and 8 vowels in Vötgil. Every letter is pronounced in exactly 1 way.
A (as in bAt) E (as in bEt)
I (as in bIt) Y (as in bEEt)
O (as in bOAt) Ö (as in bOUGHt)
U (as in bUt) W (as in bOOt)
B (as in Bat) P (as in Pat)
D (as in Dot) T (as in Tar)
F (as in Fat) V (as in Vat)
G (as in Got) K (as in Cat)
H (as in Hat) Q (as in raNG)
L (as in Lot) R (as in Rat)
N (as in Not) M (as in Mat)
S (as in Sat) Z (as in Zap)
Ð (as in THen) X (as in THought)
C (as in SHot) J (as in meaSure)
Vötgil may also be written using the non-roman alphabet. Every character is a column of 3 cells. Each cell may be white, light gray, dark gray, or black. Voiced/unvoiced consonant pairs have adjacent values. Consonants are sorted from back of throat to front of mouth, while vowels are from low to high pitch.
Every word contains exactly 3 letters. Words begin with a consonant and contain at least 1 vowel. The letter R can qualify as a vowel (as in "crt"), and the letters W and Y may be used as consonants (as in "wök"). Spaces do not separate words in a sentence.
= = = GRAMMAR = = =
Every word in the dictionary has exactly ONE part of speech: either noun, verb, descriptor, or preposition. Descriptors can act as adjectives or adverbs depending on context. Certain words that would be conjunctions in English are prepositions in Vötgil. ALL verbs are transitive.
Word order follows the subject-verb-object paradigm: a noun before a verb performs the verb, a noun after a verb receives the verb's action. Descriptors are placed before the word they describe. Numbers act as descriptors, and thus are placed before what they modify. If two nouns ("x" and "y") are placed adjacent to each other, the construction is interpreted as "y of or pertaining to x".
A handful of suffixes may be added to words:
"-sis"/"-zis": makes a noun plural.
"-did"/"-tid": makes a verb into a passive descriptor.
"-niq": makes a verb into a gerund.
"-rer": makes a verb into a noun which routinely performs the action. Alternatively, makes an adjective into a noun which routinely is characterized by the trait.
"-rey": makes a verb into a noun which routinely receives the action.
"-nis": makes an adjective or preposition into a noun representing a state or quality.
A clause may be surrounded by quotation marks to form a subordinate clause or a gerund. Such a grouping is functionally treated as a noun, and thus is called a "situation noun". A situation noun refers to the action or process of its clause (unless certain descriptors are added).
Counting is in base 10, with the least significant digit on the LEFT side.
= = = DICTIONARY = = =
Ðan (P): than; relative to; with respect to; in comparison with.
Ðat (D): that; a more distant specific one.
Ðeq (V): to thank (for doing something).
Ðis (D): this; a close specific one.
Ðor (D): other; another; a different one.
Ðyt (D): the; a specific one.
Böd (N): body.
Böj (N): object; item.
Böl (N): ball; sphere.
Bag (N): bag; purse.
Bak (P): back to; toward the source or original location.
Baw (P): about; concerning.
Bax (N): bath; basin; tub; sink.
Bed (N): bed.
Beg (V): to begin (something); start; initiate.
Bek (N): bacteria.
Ben (V): to bend (something); fold.
Ber (D): barely; hardly at all.
Bey (D): basic; simple; plain.
Bil (N): building; a structure with a roof and walls.
Biz (D): busy/busily; preoccupied.
Blö (V): to blast (something); cause to explode; detonate; pop; burst.
Ble (D): blank; bare; bald.
Blw (D): blue.
Bly (N): blood.
Bok (N): block; rectangular prism; a solid geometric object.
Bon (N): bone.
Bor (N): border; outline; frame.
Brð (V): to breathe (something).
Brc (V): to brush (hair); comb.
Brd (N): bird.
Bre (N): bread; roll.
Brk (V): to break (something); snap; shatter; tear; rip.
Brt (D): bright/brightly; light; shining.
Brv (D): brave; bold/boldly; courageous; confident.
Bud (N): butter.
Bum (N): bump; lump; pile; mound.
Bun (N): button; key; an input device which is pressed.
But (P): but; however; in contrast.
Buy (P): by; happening by means of; with.
Buz (N): buzz; hum; hiss.
Bwk (N): book.
Bwn (P): between; among; within.
Byd (D): beautiful/beautifully; pretty.
Byf (P): before.
Byk (P): because.
Bym (V): to become (something).
Byn (N): bean; legume.
Byp (N): beep; blip; chirp; squeak.
Bys (V): to bounce (something); cause to bounce; reflect; deflect.
Byt (V): to bite (something).
Cöl (D): all; every.
Cön (P): on (something); on top of; supported by.
Cöp (N): shop; store.
Cak (V): to act (like something); perform (as something); behave as; pose as.
Cas (V): to ask (a question).
Caw (V): to shower (a substance); spray.
Ceg (N): egg.
Cek (V): to shake (something).
Cen (D): any; no particular instance of.
Cep (N): shape; form; design; layout; structure.
Cif (P): if; happening under the condition that.
Cik (N): chicken.
Cin (P): in; inside of; within.
Con (N): ocean; sea.
Cot (V): to show; point; draw attention to; demonstrate; indicate; reveal.
Coy (V): to enjoy (something); like; prefer.
Crn (V): to earn (something); deserve; merit.
Crt (N): shirt.
Cup (D): up.
Cwd (D): should; appropriate; proper/properly; supposed to.
Cwg (N): sugar.
Cwp (N): shoe.
Cwr (D): sure; certain/certainly.
Cwt (V): to shoot (ammunition); fire.
Cyp (N): sheep; lamb.
Dög (N): dog.
Dök (N): document; essay; article.
Döl (N): dollar.
Döm (D): automatic/automatically; with no external intervention.
Dan (V): to understand; comprehend.
Dav (V): to advertise (something).
Def (V): to defend (something/someone); protect; guard; keep safe; preserve; conserve.
Dej (N): danger; peril.
Dem (V): to demand (something); request; order; command.
Der (N): direction; way; path.
Des (V): to describe (something); explain; report.
Det (V): to identify (something); recognize; be familiar with.
Dey (N): day; either 24 hours or the period of sunlight.
Dic (N): dish; plate.
Dif (D): different; differing; contrasting.
Dig (V): to dig (in something).
Dim (N): atom.
Dip (V): to depend (on something); be controlled or determined by; rely.
Div (V): to divide (something); split; distribute.
Diz (N): disease; illness; sickness; germ.
Dof (N): dough.
Dor (N): door; gate.
Drt (N): dirt; soil; ground.
Dun (D): done; finished; complete/completely.
Dus (N): dust; powder.
Duz (D): does; makes the sentence a question (optional; removes ambiguity).
Dwn (V): to do (something); perform (an action); be involved with; participate in.
Fön (D): often; frequent/frequently; occupational/occupationally; as a job; routinely; as the primary purpose; as a tool for.
Fös (N): office.
Fac (D): fancy; formal.
Fam (N): family.
Fas (D): fast; quick/quickly.
Feð (N): feather.
Fen (N): friend.
Fer (D): fair/fairly; just; right.
Fes (N): face (of a person or animal).
Fet (V): to fight (someone); attack.
Fic (N): fish.
Fid (V): to find; come to know where something is; discover.
Fig (N): flag.
Fim (N): woman; female.
Fiq (N): finger; toe.
Fis (D): first; initial.
Fiv (D): five.
Flö (D): flat; even; smooth.
Flo (N): floor.
Fly (N): flower.
Fod (D): forward.
Fok (V): to focus (on something); pay attention to; concentrate on.
Fom (N): foam; sponge; cake.
Fon (N): phone; telephone.
For (P): for; intended for; for the purpose of; so that; to.
Fot (N): foot; a unit of length.
Fre (D): in a fraction; over; -th/-nd; precedes a number.
Frn (N): furniture.
Fro (N): friction.
Frt (P): in front of.
Frw (N): fruit.
Fry (D): free/freely.
Ful (D): full; with no space remaining.
Fun (D): funny; humorous.
Fwc (N): meat; flesh; muscle.
Fwd (N): food.
Fwl (N): fuel.
Fwr (D): four.
Fwt (N): foot; a part of the body.
Fyc (D): flashing; blinking; sparkling; glimmering.
Fyl (V): to feel (an object or emotion); sense.
Fyr (N): fire.
Gör (N): garbage; waste; trash.
Gal (N): gallon.
Gat (D): exact; precise; specific; particular.
Gem (N): game; competition; sport.
Ger (D): angry/angrily; mad.
Get (V): to get (something); receive.
Gil (N): english; the language.
Gis (N): glasses; used to aid vision.
Gle (N): glass; a transparent material.
Gof (V): to go (on a surface); travel; move one's self.
Gon (N): organ (of the body).
Gos (N): ghost; spirit.
Grö (N): grass.
Gre (D): gray/grey.
Grp (N): group; category.
Gry (V): to agree (with something or someone).
Gul (D): guilty; shameful; sorry.
Guv (N): government; a system of law.
Gwd (D): good/well.
Gyn (D): green.
Gyt (V): to greet (someone); welcome.
Höl (D): hollow; with an empty cavity.
Han (N): hand; a part of the body.
Hap (D): happy/happily; glad.
Hat (N): hat.
Hav (V): to have; own; possess.
Hed (N): head; a part of the body.
Hen (D): happening; occurring.
Hep (V): to help (to do something); assist in.
Her (N): hair; fur; wool.
Hev (D): heavy/heavily.
Hey (N): hello.
Hit (V): to hit (something); beat; strike; crash into.
Hol (N): hole; pit.
Hom (N): home.
Hos (N): house.
Hot (D): horizontal; perpendicular to gravity.
Hrt (V): to hurt (something); damage; harm; injure.
Hwd (V): to hold (something); grab; physically support.
Hwk (N): hook.
Hyr (V): to hear.
Jöb (N): job; occupation.
Jöp (V): to drop (something); make fall.
Jör (V): to draw (an image).
Jak (D): actual; real; existing.
Jed (N): edge.
Jek (P): except; not including.
Jem (N): gem; crystal; jewel.
Jer (N): air.
Jor (P): or; either one.
Jum (V): to jump (over something).
Jus (V): to adjust (something).
Jwr (P): during (something); not necessarily from the start to end of.
Jws (N): juice.
Köd (N): quality; trait.
Köf (N): coffee.
Köm (D): calm/calmly.
Köp (V): to copy (something); make one more; duplicate; multiply.
Kör (N): car.
Köx (N): cloth; fabric.
Köz (V): to cause (something); make happen; be the reason for; so; therefore.
Kan (V): can; capable of; able to do (something).
Kap (N): capsule; pellet; pill; pod.
Kas (V): to carry (something); bring.
Kat (N): cat.
Kaw (N): cow; cattle.
Keb (N): wire; cable.
Kef (D): careful/carefully; alert; prudent; cautious; gentle/gently.
Kel (V): to collect (something); gather.
Ken (D): common/commonly; normal; usual; ordinary; regular; typical.
Kep (N): concept; idea; thought; topic; subject.
Ker (V): to care about (something); have concern for; worry about; respect.
Kes (N): extent; degree; amount; quantity; used for uncountable items or actions.
Ket (V): to connect (something); join; attach.
Kev (D): clever; smart; intelligent.
Key (D): okay; decent/decently; acceptable.
Kin (V): to continue (something); keep doing.
Kip (N): clip; clamp; used for attaching things.
Kit (N): kind; type; sort.
Klö (N): cloud; smoke.
Klo (N): clothes; for wearing.
Klr (D): clear/clearly; transparent.
Kly (D): clean.
Kod (N): code.
Kol (V): to be equal to; be the same as; be identical to.
Kon (V): to count (something); find the quantity of.
Kor (D): correct/correctly; right.
Kot (N): coat; jacket; clothes for cold weather.
Koy (V): to contain; include; encompass.
Krö (P): across.
Krn (N): corn.
Kro (D): crazy/crazily; mad; wild.
Krt (D): creative/creatively; innovative.
Krv (D): curved; round.
Kry (V): to cry (speech); weep.
Kuc (V): to control (something); drive; manipulate; rule.
Kuf (D): comfortable.
Kul (N): color.
Kup (N): cup; bucket; bowl.
Kut (V): to cut (something); chop; shear; slice.
Kuv (V): to cover (something); wrap.
Kwd (D): could; the verb could happen; possible/possibly; may; might; perhaps; maybe.
Kwp (N): company; business.
Kwt (V): to compute (a result); calculate.
Kyt (D): cute; adorable.
Lög (N): logic; reason; sense.
Lök (V): to lock (something).
Löm (D): almost; nearly.
Löq (D): long; with a great length; tall.
Lör (D): large; big; great.
Lös (D): also; too; in addition.
Löt (D): a lot of; many.
Löv (N): law; rule; regulation.
Lad (D): loud/loudly; noisy.
Laf (V): to laugh (at something).
Lan (N): land; parcel; lot; country.
Lat (N): outlet (for electricity or another resource); spout; dispenser; faucet.
Leb (N): label; tag.
Lef (D): left; leftward; toward the left.
Lek (N): electricity.
Leq (N): language.
Ler (N): lever.
Let (V): to let (something occur); allow; permit.
Lev (N): level (of a game, building, etc); layer; shelf.
Lic (N): liquid.
Lim (N): limb; appendage; neck; arm; leg; branch.
Lis (N): list.
Lit (N): limit; constraint; the maximum permissible amount.
Liv (D): alive; living; lively.
Lok (N): lake; pond.
Lrn (V): to learn; study; research.
Lum (N): lumber; wood.
Luv (V): to love; adore.
Lwf (P): to the left of; on the left side of.
Lwp (N): loop; a shape which has no end.
Lyf (N): leaf.
Lyk (P): like; similar to; related to.
Lyn (N): line.
Lyr (D): early.
Lyt (N): light; either light itself or a light producing source.
Mök (V): to mark (something).
Möl (N): mollusk; soft-bellied creature; snail; octopus; squid.
Möt (N): market; economy.
Mad (N): matter.
Mag (N): magnet.
Man (N): man; male.
Map (N): map.
Max (N): math; mathematics.
Med (N): medicine.
Mej (V): to measure (something).
Mek (V): to make (something); create; produce; cause to exist; build; construct.
Mel (N): mail; letter (to be sent as mail).
Mem (N): member; an individual in a group.
Mer (V): to marry (someone); become a spouse of.
Met (N): material; substance.
Mid (N): middle; centre.
Mil (N): milk.
Min (N): minute.
Mis (N): mistake; accident.
Mit (N): mint.
Mod (N): metal.
Mok (N): machine; device.
Mon (D): main; chief; principal; primary.
Mor (D): more; -er; to a greater extent; "long" becomes "longer".
Mos (D): -est; to the greatest extent; most; "long" becomes "longest".
Mot (D): most; the majority; almost all.
Muc (N): mushroom; fungus.
Mul (N): mile.
Mun (N): money; currency.
Mwl (N): mammal.
Mwn (N): moon.
Mwv (V): to move (something); cause to go; cause to travel.
Mwz (N): music.
Myn (V): to mean (something); signify; represent; imply.
Myt (V): to meet (someone).
Myw (V): to amuse (someone); entertain; be fun to.
Nöb (N): knob; handle; for holding or for opening a door.
Nöt (D): not; makes a word false; no (in response to a question).
Nam (N): animal; creature.
Nap (N): napkin; tissue.
Nec (N): nature; phenomena not made by man.
Ned (P): instead of; in the place of.
Nem (N): name; title.
Ner (N): energy.
Nes (D): next; following.
Net (N): net; mesh.
Nev (N): environment; setting; surroundings; context; circumstance.
Nic (V): to interest (someone); be interesting to; fascinate.
Nif (N): information; data; signal.
Nin (D): nine.
Nol (D): only; alone; by himself/herself/itself/yourself/myself/themselves/ourselves; just; without anything else; without the assistance or company of other people; with no other action; with no other quality; in no other place.
Non (V): to know; remember.
Nor (D): north.
Nos (V): to notice; become aware of.
Not (N): note; a reminder for someone.
Noy (V): to annoy (someone); be annoying to; irritate.
Nuf (D): enough; sufficient/sufficiently.
Num (N): number; quantity; amount; used for countable items.
Nut (N): nut.
Nuy (N): I/me; the speaker.
Nuz (N): noise; sound.
Nwb (D): new/newly; young.
Nwz (N): news; tabloid.
Nyd (V): to need; require; must.
Nyr (P): near; close to; around; along; with a short distance.
Nys (D): nice; kind.
Pök (N): project.
Pöl (P): parallel to; along.
Pön (N): horse; pony.
Pöp (D): popular; cool; famous.
Pör (N): part; piece; component.
Pös (N): pasta.
Pad (N): pattern.
Pak (N): plastic.
Pan (N): pants.
Pat (N): planet.
Pax (N): path; pathway; passage; passageway.
Ped (N): party.
Pek (N): picture; image.
Pel (N): pencil.
Pen (N): pen; for writing.
Pep (N): paper.
Per (N): parent; mother; father.
Pig (N): pig.
Pik (V): to pick (an option); choose; decide; select; vote for.
Pil (N): pillow; cushion.
Pin (N): pain; ache.
Plö (V): to plan; scheme.
Ple (V): to play (a game or instrument).
Plo (N): plant.
Plw (N): place; position; region; area; location; point.
Ply (D): please; makes a verb imperative.
Pod (D): proud/proudly.
Pog (N): program (on a computer); application.
Pol (N): police; security.
Pon (V): to open (something).
Por (V): to pour (a substance); spill.
Pos (N): price; cost.
Pot (N): point; grade; a unit of score.
Poy (D): polite/politely; civilized.
Poz (N): prize; reward; award; bonus.
Prö (D): probable/probably; likely.
Pre (V): to predict (something); expect; infer; assume; estimate; judge; guess.
Prl (D): purple; violet.
Pro (D): professional; experienced; expert; skilled.
Prp (N): purpose; the reason for which something exists.
Prs (N): person.
Prt (V): to buy; purchase.
Prw (N): problem; conflict; issue; drama; trouble; puzzle; challenge; flaw.
Pry (V): to practice (a skill); exercise.
Pub (D): public/publicly.
Put (N): potato.
Pwc (V): to push; apply a force; press.
Pwn (N): pound.
Pwr (D): pure/purely.
Pwt (V): to put; place; add.
Pyt (N): pizza.
Röd (D): ready; prepared.
Rök (N): rock; stone.
Röt (N): art.
Röx (N): arthropod; animal with exoskeleton; insect; crustacean; bug.
Rad (N): order; permutation; organization.
Rek (N): rectangle.
Rel (N): rail; track; for holding or for trains.
Ren (N): rain.
Rep (V): to respond (with an action); reply; react.
Req (D): ranked; having a place in an order; -st/-nd/-rd/-th; a number will follow; used for ordinal numerals.
Res (V): to rest (on something); lie; take a break; relax.
Ret (V): to relate (to something).
Rid (V): to ride (a vehicle or animal).
Rin (N): ornament; decoration.
Rit (V): to write (text).
Riv (N): river; stream.
Rob (N): rubber.
Rod (N): road; street.
Rog (V): to organize (something); sort; make neat.
Ron (N): range; span; length; interval.
Rov (P): over; above; high.
Rox (N): earth; the planet.
Rub (V): to rub (a surface); drag on.
Rug (N): rug; carpet; mat.
Run (V): to run (on something).
Rus (N): rice.
Rut (N): reptile.
Rwm (N): room; chamber.
Rwv (V): to approve; confirm; praise; support.
Ryc (V): to reach (for something).
Ryd (V): to read (text).
Ryn (N): rodent.
Rys (N): resource; nutrient; supply.
Söf (D): soft.
Sök (N): sock.
Söl (N): solid; a state of matter.
Sön (V): to stand (on a surface).
Sör (N): stair; step.
Sös (N): sauce.
Söt (N): salt.
Söv (V): to solve (something); repair; fix.
Sac (N): sandwich.
Sal (N): salad.
San (N): sand.
Sat (N): status; state; mode.
Saw (D): sour.
Seb (V): to celebrate (something).
Sed (V): to send (something); submit.
Sef (N): self; himself; herself; itself; ourselves; themselves; yourself; yourselves; causes the verb to be reflective; refers to the subject of the containing clause.
Sek (N): ceramic; porcelain.
Sel (N): cell; part of an organism.
Sen (N): sentence.
Set (N): system.
Sev (D): seven.
Sey (V): to say (something); speak; talk; tell.
Sib (N): sibling; brother; sister.
Sic (N): string; thread; lace; rope.
Sik (D): six.
Sil (D): cylinder.
Sim (N): symbol; letter; digit; character.
Sit (V): to sit (on a surface).
Ske (V): to scare; frighten.
Sko (N): screen; monitor; display.
Skr (V): to scratch; scrape.
Skw (N): school.
Sky (N): sky.
Sle (V): to slide (on something); glide; slip.
Slw (N): slope; incline; ramp.
Sly (V): to sleep (on something).
Sme (N): smell; odor; scent.
Sod (N): soda.
Sop (N): soap.
Soq (D): strong; fit; powerful.
Sot (N): science.
Spe (D): special; original; unique.
Spr (V): to spread (something); cause to spread.
Spw (N): space; void; gap; vacuum; the absence of anything.
Spy (D): spicy.
Srf (N); surface; skin.
Srk (N): circle.
Srt (D): straight; extending or moving in one direction only; direct.
Stö (N): start; beginning; the start of an object or span.
Ste (V): to stay (in a group); remain; continue to be; be in the rest.
Sto (N): story; tale; rumor.
Str (N): star; sun.
Stw (V): to stick to (something); adhere to.
Sty (D): still; still true; not moving.
Sud (N): side; face (of an object).
Sug (V): suggest (to do something); advise; direct; instruct; guide; lead.
Sum (D): some; a; an; a particular instance of (previously unmentioned).
Sup (V): to suppose (that something is true); have an opinion; think that; believe.
Suy (N): sign.
Swo (N): switch; for making and breaking a circuit.
Swp (N): soup.
Swy (D): sweet.
Syc (V): to see (something).
Syd (N): seed.
Sym (V): to seem like (something); appear to be; look like.
Tak (V): to trick (someone); deceive; fool.
Tan (N): town; village; city.
Tas (N): task; job.
Tcö (N): chocolate.
Tce (V): to change (something); make different; modify.
Tco (N): chair; couch.
Tcr (V): to try (something); attempt; make an effort.
Tcw (D): true/truly; in fact; did; indeed; yes (in response to a question).
Tcy (N): cheese.
Teb (N): table.
Tec (N): texture; how something feels.
Tem (N): time; period; moment; either a specific point or a span.
Tep (V): to taper (to a point); gradually become narrow until converging; be sharp toward.
Tes (V): to test; experiment (with something).
Tey (V): to take (something); actively remove.
Til (P): until.
Tis (N): taste; flavor.
Tok (V): to check; inspect; see the status of something.
Tor (N): tree.
Tos (V): to chase (someone/something); pursue.
Tot (D): total/totally; entire/entirely; whole; full/fully; complete/completely.
Toy (N): toy.
Trg (D): together; with each other.
Trn (V): to turn (something); rotate; change the orientation of.
Trp (V): to capture; trap.
Tuc (V): to touch; make contact with.
Tum (N): tomato.
Tuy (V): to tie (a string).
Twc (D): too; excessive/excessively; to too much of an extent.
Twl (N): tool.
Twn (D): two.
Twr (P): to; towards; in the direction of.
Tws (V): to trust; rely on; depend on.
Tyc (V): to teach (something); educate.
Tym (N): team.
Völ (D): already.
Vöt (D): anti; opposite; inverse in meaning.
Vak (N): axle; used in a hinge.
Val (N): value; worth.
Van (P): and.
Vat (P): at.
Vaz (D): as; to a certain extent; so.
Vej (N): vegetable.
Vek (V): to excite (someone); make eager.
Vel (D): available; accessible.
Veq (N): angle; degree measure; corner; joint; hinge.
Ver (D): very; to a great extent; quite.
Vet (D): vertical; parallel to gravity.
Vid (N): video; movie.
Vim (D): important; serious; matter; relevant.
Vis (D): viscous; thick; gooey.
Vit (V): to visit; be a guest at; tour.
Viz (V): to be (an instance/kind of).
Vok (N): vehicle.
Vot (D): eight.
Vun (P): of; originating from; possessed by; related to.
Vwd (D): would; conditional or hypothetical.
Vwn (N): oven; stove; grill.
Vyn (D): even; emphasizes something surprising or extreme.
Wök (V): to walk (on something).
Wöl (N): wall.
Wön (V): to want; wish for; hope for; seek.
Wöt (N): water.
Weð (D): whether; expresses the truth of a statement.
Web (N): web; internet.
Wed (N): word.
Weg (V): to wait (for something).
Wek (V): to work (on something); do labor.
Wel (P): while; during; for; for the duration of; from the start to the end of.
Wer (V): to wear (an article).
Wet (D): wet; damp.
Wev (V): to wave (something); move back and forth; swing.
Wey (N): way; method; means; manner; mode.
Wic (N): wind; gust; breeze.
Wid (N): window.
Wil (D): will; going to; causes a verb to be in the future tense.
Wim (D): which; whom; extracts the direct or prepositional object from a situation noun so that the object takes the place of the situation noun in the parent clause.
Win (V): to win (a competition); be victorious in; succeed at.
Wis (D): which; who; extracts the subject from a situation noun so that the subject takes the place of the situation noun in the parent clause.
Wit (D): which; interrogative identity.
Wix (P): with; along with; accompanied by.
Woð (N): weather; climate.
Wod (D): wide.
Wol (N): world.
Wom (D): warm; a little hot.
Wor (N): war; battle; combat.
Wun (D): one.
Wuz (D): was; -ed; causes a verb to be in the past tense.
Wyl (N): wheel.
Wyn (D): on; active/actively; doing something.
Wys (D): white.
Wyt (N): wheat.
Xik (D): thick; large in the tertiary direction.
Xiq (N): thing; the most general noun.
Xok (V): to think (about something).
Xro (V): to throw (something); toss.
Xrw (P): through; in and out of.
Xry (D): three.
Yer (N): year.
Yol (N): oil.
Yos (D): east.
Yot (V): to eat (something); consume; drink.
Ywl (D): useful; helpful.
Ywn (N): you; the person being addressed.
Ywt (N): unit.
Ywz (V): to use.
Zam (N): example; model.
Zyp (D): easy/easily.
Zyr (D): zero.