Paste some text into the text box, select a translation direction, then click translate or press enter. The translator operates on a word by word basis; it does not understand grammar. Do not enter declined or conjugated English words. Use the 0 and 9 to represent Ö and Ð respectively. Click here to return to the main page.
Text to Translate:
Translation Direction:
Result Text:
Sis: ~plural
Zis: ~plural
Did: ~passive
Tid: ~passive
Niq: ~gerund
Rer: ~performer
Rey: ~receiver
Nis: ~quality
9an (P): ~than; ~relative to; with respect to; in comparison with.
9at (D): ~that; a more distant specific one.
9atKit: ~such.
9atL0g: ~thus.
9atPlw: ~there.
9atTem: ~then.
9eq (V): to ~thank (for doing something).
9is (D): ~this; a close specific one.
9isDey: ~today.
9isPlw: ~here.
9isTem: ~now.
9isV0tDey: ~tonight.
9or (D): ~other; ~another; a ~different one.
9orTem: ~again; once more.
9yt (D): ~the; a specific one.
B0d (N): ~body; ~chassis.
B0dMid: ~chest; ~torso.
B0dMidFwtLimVeq: ~hip.
B0dMidHanLimVeq: ~shoulder.
B0dMidLwpKlo: ~belt; for wearing.
B0j (N): ~object; ~item.
B0l (N): ~ball; ~sphere.
Bag (N): ~bag; ~purse; ~pocket; ~pouch.
Bak (P): ~back to; toward the source or original location.
Baw (P): ~about; ~concerning.
Bax (N): ~bath; ~basin; ~tub; ~sink.
BaxRwm: ~bathroom; ~restroom; ~lavatory.
Bed (N): ~bed.
BedRwm: ~bedroom.
Beg (V): to ~begin (something); ~start; ~initiate; ~commence; ~launch.
Bek (N): ~bacteria.
Ben (V): to ~bend (something); ~fold.
Ber (D): ~barely; ~hardly at all.
Bey (D): ~basic; ~simple; ~plain; ~primitive.
Bil (N): ~building; a structure with a roof and walls.
BilCupSud: ~roof.
BilHom: ~apartment.
Biz (D): ~busy/~busily; ~preoccupied; ~working.
Bl0 (V): to ~blast (something); cause to ~explode; ~detonate; ~pop; ~burst.
Bl0Rey: ~bomb.
Ble (D): ~blank; ~bare; ~bald.
Blw (D): ~blue.
Bly (N): ~blood.
BlyGon: ~heart.
Bok (N): ~block; rectangular ~prism; a solid geometric object.
Bon (N): ~bone.
Bor (N): ~border; ~outline; ~frame; ~boundary; ~bound; ~perimeter.
Br9 (V): to ~breathe (something); ~inhale; ~exhale; ~sigh; ~gasp.
Brc (V): to ~brush (hair); ~comb; ~broom.
Brd (N): ~bird.
Bre (N): ~bread; ~roll.
Brk (V): to ~break (something); ~snap; ~shatter; ~tear; ~rip; ~crack.
Brt (D): ~bright/~brightly; ~light; ~shining.
BrtV0tGyn: ~pink.
Brv (D): ~brave/~bravely; ~bold/~boldly; ~courageous/~courageously; ~confident/~confidently.
Bud (N): ~butter.
Bum (N): ~bump; ~lump; ~pile; ~mound.
BumFom: ~muffin.
Bun (N): ~button; ~key; an input device which is pressed.
But (P): ~but; ~however; in ~contrast.
Buy (P): ~by; happening by means of; ~with.
Buz (N): ~buzz; ~hum; ~hiss.
Bwk (N): ~book.
BwkBil: ~library.
Bwn (P): ~between; ~among; ~within.
Byd (D): ~beautiful/~beautifully; ~pretty.
Byf (P): ~before; ~prior to.
Byk (P): ~because.
Bym (V): to ~become (something).
BymJak: to ~appear.
BymL0r: to ~grow; ~expand; ~increase.
BymN0tJak: to ~disappear; ~vanish.
BymV0tL0r: to ~shrink; ~decrease; ~reduce.
BymV0tLiv: to ~die; become dead.
Byn (N): ~bean; ~legume.
Byp (N): ~beep; ~blip; ~chirp; ~squeak.
Bys (V): to ~bounce (something); cause to ~bounce; ~reflect; ~deflect.
Byt (V): to ~bite (something); ~chomp.
BytNiqBon: ~tooth.
C0l (D): ~all; ~every.
C0lPlw: ~everywhere.
C0lPrs: ~everybody; ~everyone.
C0lTem: ~always.
C0lWolZis: ~universe.
C0lXiq: ~everything.
C0n (P): ~on (something); on top of; supported by.
C0p (N): ~shop; ~store.
Cak (V): to ~act (like something); ~perform (as something); ~behave as; ~pose as.
CakNiqBil: ~theater/~theatre.
CakNiqFlo: ~stage.
Cas (V): to ~ask (a question); ~inquire.
CasNiq: ~interview; ~interrogation.
CasRey: ~question.
Caw (V): to ~shower (a substance); ~spray.
Ceg (N): ~egg.
Cek (V): to ~shake (something); ~vibrate; ~rattle.
Cen (D): ~any; no particular instance of.
CenPlw: ~anywhere.
CenPrs: ~anybody; ~anyone.
CenTem: ~anytime.
CenWey: ~anyway.
CenXiq: ~anything.
Cep (N): ~shape; ~form; ~design; ~layout; ~structure.
Cif (P): ~if; happening under the condition that.
Cik (N): ~chicken.
Cin (P): ~in; ~inside of; ~within.
CinTwr: ~into
Cit (N): ~shit.
Con (N): ~ocean; ~sea.
Cot (V): to ~show; ~point; draw attention to; ~demonstrate; ~indicate; ~reveal.
Cot"VizTcw": ~prove.
Coy (V): to ~enjoy (something); ~like; ~prefer.
Crn (V): to ~earn (something); ~deserve; ~merit.
Crt (N): ~shirt.
Cup (D): ~up; ~upward.
CupGof: to ~rise; ~ascend; ~climb.
CupMwv: to ~raise (something); ~lift.
CupPax: ~bridge.
CupSud: ~top; ~peak.
Cwd (D): ~should; ~appropriate; ~proper/~properly; ~supposed to.
CwdNis: ~responsibility.
Cwg (N): ~sugar.
Cwp (N): ~shoe.
Cwr (D): ~sure; ~certain/~certainly; ~assured.
Cwt (V): to ~shoot (ammunition); ~fire.
CwtNiqTwl: ~gun; ~cannon.
CwtRey: ~bullet; ~ammunition.
Cyp (N): ~sheep; ~lamb.
D0g (N): ~dog.
D0k (N): ~document; ~essay; ~article.
D0l (N): ~dollar.
D0m (D): ~automatic/~automatically; with no external intervention.
Dam (V): to ~damn.
Dan (V): to ~understand; ~comprehend; ~figure.
Dav (V): to ~advertise (something).
Def (V): to ~defend (something/someone); ~protect; ~guard; ~save; ~preserve; ~conserve.
DefTid: ~safe.
Dej (N): ~danger; ~peril.
DejTem: ~emergency.
Dem (V): to ~demand (something); ~request; ~order; ~command.
Der (N): ~direction; ~way; ~path.
Des (V): to ~describe (something); ~explain; ~report.
Det (V): to ~identify (something); ~recognize; be familiar with; ~discern.
DetTid: ~familiar.
Dey (N): ~day; either 24 hours or the period of sunlight.
DeyMid: ~noon.
DeyMidYotNiq: ~lunch.
DeySt0: ~morning.
DeySt0YotNiq: ~breakfast.
DeyV0tSt0: ~evening.
DeyV0tSt0YotNiq: ~dinner; ~supper.
DeyVunYer: ~date; day of the year.
Dic (N): ~dish; ~plate.
Dif (D): ~different; ~differing; ~contrasting.
DifNis: ~difference.
Dig (V): to ~dig (in something); ~excavate; ~mine.
Dim (N): ~atom.
DimBrkNiq: ~nuclear.
DimGrp: ~molecule; ~chemical.
Dip (V): to ~depend (on something); be ~controlled or ~determined by; ~rely.
DipRey: ~factor.
Div (V): to ~divide (something); ~split; ~distribute.
Diz (N): ~disease; ~illness; ~sickness; ~germ; ~virus.
DizBil: ~hospital.
Dof (N): ~dough.
Dor (N): ~door; ~gate.
Drt (N): ~dirt; ~soil; ~ground.
Dun (D): ~done; ~finished; ~complete/~completely.
Dus (N): ~dust; ~powder.
Duz (D): ~does; makes the sentence a question (optional; removes ambiguity).
Dwn (V): to ~do (something); ~perform (an action); be involved with; ~participate in.
DwnNiq: ~activity.
DwnRey: ~action.
F0n (D): ~often; ~frequent/~frequently; ~occupational/~occupationally; as a job; ~routine/~routinely; as the primary purpose; as a tool for.
F0s (N): ~office.
Fac (D): ~fancy; ~formal.
FacKot: ~suit.
Fam (N): ~family.
Fas (D): ~fast; ~quick/~quickly.
FasGem: ~race; speed game.
FasGof: to ~rush; ~hurry.
FasNis: ~rate; ~speed; ~pace.
Fe9 (N): ~feather.
Fen (N): ~friend; ~ally.
Fer (D): ~fair/~fairly; ~just; ~right.
Fes (N): ~face (of a person or animal).
Fet (V): to ~fight (someone); ~attack.
FetNiq: ~violence.
FetNiqTwl: ~weapon.
FetSey: to ~argue (something).
Fic (N): ~fish.
Fid (V): to ~find; come to know where something is; ~discover; ~locate; ~encounter.
Fig (N): ~flag.
Fim (N): ~woman; ~female; ~girl.
FimMerRey: ~wife.
FimPer: ~mother; ~mom.
FimPerPer: ~grandmother.
FimSib: ~sister.
FimV0tPer: ~daughter.
Fiq (N): ~finger; ~toe; ~stick (of a plant).
Fis (D): ~first; ~initial; ~primary; ~original.
FisPlw: ~source; ~origin.
Fiv (D): ~five.
Fl0 (D): ~flat; ~even; ~smooth.
Fl0Lum: ~board.
Fl0Sek: ~tile.
Flo (N): ~floor.
Fly (N): ~flower.
Fod (D): ~forward; ~ahead.
FodP0r: ~foreground.
FodSud: ~front.
Fok (V): to ~focus (on something); pay ~attention to; ~concentrate on; ~fixate.
Fom (N): ~foam; ~sponge; ~cake.
Fon (N): ~phone; ~telephone.
For (P): ~for; intended for; for the purpose of; ~so that; ~to.
For9atL0g: ~therefore.
Fot (N): ~foot; a unit of length.
Fre (D): in a ~fraction; over; -th/-nd; precedes a number.
FreFiv: ~fifth; one over five.
FreFwr: ~quarter; one over four.
FreFwrYer: ~season.
FreNin: ~ninth; one over nine.
FreSev: ~seventh: one over seven.
FreSik: ~sixth: one over six.
FreTwn: ~half; one over two.
FreVot: ~eighth; one over eight.
FreXry: ~third; one over three.
Frn (N): ~furniture.
Fro (N): ~friction.
Frt (P): in ~front of; ~beyond.
Frw (N): ~fruit.
FrwKroLic: ~wine.
Fry (D): ~free/~freely; ~unrestricted.
FryDey: ~holiday.
Fuk (V): to ~fuck.
Ful (D): ~full; with no space remaining.
Fun (D): ~funny; ~humorous; ~hilarious.
FunSeyRey: ~joke.
Fwc (N): ~meat; ~flesh; ~muscle.
Fwd (N): ~food.
FwdBagGon: ~stomach.
FwdKasNiqTwl: ~fork.
FwdRwm: ~kitchen.
Fwl (N): ~fuel.
Fwr (D): ~four.
Fwt (N): ~foot; a part of the body.
FwtLim: ~leg.
FwtLimVeq: ~knee.
Fyc (D): ~flashing; ~blinking; ~sparkling; ~glimmering.
Fyl (V): to ~feel (an object or emotion); ~sense.
FylNiq: ~experience; ~emotion; ~mood.
FylNiqFes: ~expression.
Fyr (N): ~fire.
G0r (N): ~garbage; ~waste; ~trash; ~junk; ~pollution.
Gal (N): ~gallon.
Gat (D): ~exact; ~precise; ~specific; ~particular.
GatNis: ~resolution.
Gem (N): ~game; ~competition; ~sport.
GemPrs: ~athlete.
Ger (D): ~angry/~angrily; ~mad/~madly.
Get (V): to ~get (something); ~receive; ~acquire.
Gil (N): ~english; the language.
Gis (N): ~glasses; used to aid vision.
Gle (N): ~glass; a transparent material.
Gof (V): to ~go (on a surface); ~travel; ~move one's self.
GofBak: to ~return to; go back to.
GofCinTwr: to ~enter; go into.
GofTwr: to ~come to; ~approach; ~arrive.
GofV0tBwn: to ~surround.
GofV0tFrt: to ~follow; go behind.
GofV0tTwr: to ~leave; ~exit.
GofWixMwz: to ~dance.
GofXrwJer: to ~fly; ~glide.
Gon (N): ~organ (of the body).
Gos (N): ~ghost; ~spirit; ~soul.
GosSot: ~magic.
Gr0 (N): ~grass.
Gr0Lan: ~field; ~plain.
Gre (D): ~gray/~grey.
GreMod: ~iron.
Grp (N): ~group; ~category.
Gry (V): to ~agree (with something or someone); ~consent.
GryNiq: ~deal; ~contract.
Gul (D): ~guilty; ~shameful; ~sorry.
Guv (N): ~government; a system of law.
GuvTeyNiq: ~tax.
Gwd (D): ~good/~well; ~great; ~positive.
GwdPr0Nis: ~lucky.
Gyn (D): ~green.
Gyt (V): to ~greet (someone); ~welcome.
H0l (D): ~hollow; with an ~empty cavity.
H0lBok: ~box.
Han (N): ~hand; a part of the body.
HanLim: ~arm.
HanLimVeq: ~elbow.
Hap (D): ~happy/~happily; ~glad/~gladly; ~merry/~merrily; ~cheerful/~cheerfully.
HapFes: ~smile.
Hat (N): ~hat.
Hav (V): to ~have; ~own; ~possess.
HavKorCep: to ~fit.
HavMun: ~rich.
HavPin: to ~suffer.
HavPrw: to ~struggle.
HavRey: ~property.
Hed (N): ~head; a part of the body.
HedLim: ~neck.
Hen (D): ~happening; ~occurring.
HenXiq: ~event; ~incident.
Hep (V): to ~help (to do something); ~assist in.
HepNiq: ~service.
HepRey: ~patient; someone being served.
Her (N): ~hair; ~fur; ~wool.
Hev (D): ~heavy/~heavily.
HevNiq: ~weight; ~heaviness.
Hey (N): ~hello; ~hi.
Hit (V): to ~hit (something); ~beat; ~strike; ~crash into; ~knock.
HitWixFwt: to ~kick.
HitWixHan: to ~punch.
Hol (N): ~hole; ~pit.
HolSrkBre: ~bagel.
HolSrkFom: ~donut.
Hom (N): ~home.
Hos (N): ~house.
Hot (D): ~horizontal; perpendicular to gravity.
HotGrp: ~row.
Hrt (V): to ~hurt (something); ~damage; ~harm; ~injure.
HrtRey: ~victim.
HrtYwz: to ~abuse.
Hwd (V): to ~hold (something); ~grab; physically ~support.
HwdV0tRov: to ~hang (something).
Hwk (N): ~hook.
Hyr (V): to ~hear.
HyrFok: to ~listen.
HyrNiqGon: ~ear.
J0b (N): ~job; ~occupation.
J0p (V): to ~drop (something); make ~fall.
J0r (V): to ~draw (an image); ~paint; ~sketch.
J0rNiqLic: ~paint.
Jak (D): ~actual; ~real; ~existing.
JakNisXokNiq: ~philosophy.
Jed (N): ~edge.
Jek (P): ~except; not including.
Jem (N): ~gem; ~crystal; ~jewel.
JemRen: ~snow.
Jer (N): ~air.
JerBl0Rey: ~missile.
JerPwcNiqLim: ~wing.
JerPwcRer: ~fan.
JerVok: ~airplane; ~plane.
JerVokBil: ~airport.
JerWekRerR0x: ~bee.
Jor (P): ~or; ~either one.
Jum (V): to ~jump (over something).
Jus (V): to ~adjust (something).
Jwr (P): ~during (something); not necessarily from the start to end of.
Jws (N): ~juice.
K0d (N): ~quality; ~trait; ~aspect.
K0f (N): ~coffee.
K0m (D): ~calm/~calmly; ~relaxed.
K0p (V): to ~copy (something); make one more; ~duplicate; ~multiply.
K0r (N): ~car.
K0x (N): ~cloth; ~fabric.
K0z (V): to ~cause (something); ~make happen; be the reason for; so; therefore.
K0z"BymFul": to ~fill (something).
K0z"BymKly": to ~wash.
K0z"BymMorGwd": to ~improve (something).
K0z"BymPub": to ~publish.
K0z"BymR0d": to ~prepare.
K0z"BymV0tLiv": to ~kill; ~murder; cause to die.
K0z"Fok": to ~call; ~remind; ~alert; cause to focus.
K0z"Myt": to ~introduce.
K0z"N0tSly": to ~wake up (someone); ~awaken.
K0z"NosDej": to ~warn.
K0z"Wer": to ~dress.
K0zRey: ~result; ~effect; ~impact; ~outcome.
Kan (V): ~can; ~capable of; ~able to do (something).
Kan"Prt": to ~afford.
KanRey: ~ability.
Kap (N): ~capsule; ~pellet; ~pill; ~pod.
Kas (V): to ~carry (something); ~bring.
Kat (N): ~cat.
Kaw (N): ~cow; ~cattle.
Keb (N): ~wire; ~cable.
Kef (D): ~careful/~carefully; ~alert; ~prudent/~prudently; ~cautious/~cautiously; ~gentle/~gently.
Kel (V): to ~collect (something); ~gather.
Ken (D): ~common/~commonly; ~normal/~normally; ~usual/~usually; ~ordinary/~ordinarily; ~regular/~regularly; ~typical/~typically; ~standard.
Kep (N): ~concept; ~idea; ~thought; ~topic; ~subject.
Ker (V): to ~care about (something); have ~concern for; ~worry about; ~respect.
Kes (N): ~extent; ~degree; ~amount; ~quantity; used for uncountable items or actions.
Ket (V): to ~connect (something); ~join; ~attach; ~bond.
Kev (D): ~clever; ~smart; ~intelligent.
Key (D): ~okay; ~decent/~decently; ~acceptable/~acceptably.
Kin (V): to ~continue (something); ~keep doing.
Kip (N): ~clip; ~clamp; used for attaching things.
Kit (N): ~kind; ~type; ~sort; ~race.
Kl0 (N): ~cloud; ~smoke.
Klo (N): ~clothes; for wearing.
KloR0t: ~fashion.
Klr (D): ~clear/~clearly; ~transparent; ~obvious/~obviously.
Kly (D): ~clean/~cleanly; ~hygenic.
Kod (N): ~code.
Kol (V): to be ~equal to; be the ~same as; be ~identical to.
Kon (V): to ~count (something); find the quantity of.
Kor (D): ~correct/~correctly; ~right/~rightly.
Kot (N): ~coat; ~jacket; clothes for cold weather.
Koy (V): to ~contain; ~include; ~encompass.
KoyNiqLit: ~capacity.
KoyRer: ~container; ~chest; ~package.
Kr0 (P): ~across.
Krn (N): ~corn.
Kro (D): ~crazy/~crazily; ~mad/~madly; ~wild/~wildly.
KroLic: ~alcohol.
Krt (D): ~creative/~creatively; ~innovative.
Krv (D): ~curved; ~round.
Kry (V): to ~cry (speech); ~weep.
KryNiqVej: ~onion.
KryNiqW0t: ~tear; from crying.
Kuc (V): to ~control (something); ~drive; ~manipulate; ~rule; ~conduct.
KucRer: ~leader; ~ruler; ~president; ~monarch; ~director; ~administration; ~authority; ~manager; ~boss; ~driver; ~pilot.
Kuf (D): ~comfortable.
Kul (N): ~color.
Kup (N): ~cup; ~bucket; ~bowl.
Kut (V): to ~cut (something); ~chop; ~shear; ~slice.
KutRer: ~knife; ~blade; ~scissor/~scissors.
Kuv (V): to ~cover (something); ~wrap.
KuvRer: ~cap.
KuvRerBon: ~shell.
Kwd (D): ~could; the verb could happen; ~possible/~possibly; ~may; ~might; ~perhaps; ~maybe.
KwdNis: ~possibility.
Kwp (N): ~company; ~business.
Kwt (V): to ~compute (a result); ~calculate.
KwtRer: ~computer.
Kyt (D): ~cute; ~adorable.
L0g (N): ~logic; ~reason; ~sense.
L0k (V): to ~lock (something).
L0m (D): ~almost; ~nearly.
L0q (D): ~long; with a great length; ~tall.
L0qNis: ~length; ~distance.
L0qPep: ~tape.
L0qRwm: ~hall/~hallway.
L0r (D): ~large; ~big; ~great.
L0rNis: ~size.
L0rPos: ~expensive.
L0rTan: ~city; ~metropolis.
L0s (D): ~also; ~too; in addition.
L0t (D): a ~lot of; ~many; ~several.
L0tPrsRodVok: ~bus; ~van.
L0tTemBwk: ~magazine; ~periodical.
L0tVokZis: ~traffic.
L0v (N): ~law; ~rule; ~regulation.
Lad (D): ~loud/~loudly; ~noisy.
LadNis: ~volume; ~loudness.
LadSey: to ~shout; ~scream; ~yell.
Laf (V): to ~laugh (at something).
Lan (N): ~land; ~parcel; ~lot; ~country; ~state.
LanBum: ~hill; ~mountain.
LanBwnW0t: ~island.
Lat (N): ~outlet (for electricity or another resource); ~spout; ~dispenser; ~faucet.
Leb (N): ~label; ~tag.
Lef (D): ~left; ~leftward; toward the left.
Lek (N): ~electricity.
LekSwoBok: ~chip; integrated circuit.
Leq (N): ~language.
Ler (N): ~lever.
Let (V): to ~let (something occur); ~allow; ~permit; ~invite.
LetNiqPep: ~ticket.
Lev (N): ~level (of a game, building, etc); ~layer; ~shelf.
Lic (N): ~liquid.
LicKasNiqTwl: ~spoon.
LicKoyRer: ~bottle; ~jug; ~tank.
Lim (N): ~limb; appendage; ~neck; ~arm; ~leg; ~branch.
Lis (N): ~list.
Lit (N): ~limit; ~constraint; the maximum permissible amount.
Liv (D): ~alive; ~living; ~lively.
LivNis: ~life.
LivSte: to ~survive.
Lok (N): ~lake; ~pond.
Lrn (V): to ~learn; ~study; ~research.
LrnGof: to ~explore.
LrnRer: ~student.
Lum (N): ~lumber; ~wood.
Luv (V): to ~love; ~adore.
Lwf (P): to the ~left of; on the left side of.
Lwp (N): ~loop; a shape which has no end; ~hoop.
Lyf (N): ~leaf.
LyfW0t: ~tea.
Lyk (P): ~like; ~similar to; ~related to.
Lyn (N): ~line.
Lyr (D): ~early.
Lyt (N): ~light; either light itself or a light producing source.
LytBysRer: ~mirror.
LytNuz: ~radio.
M0k (V): to ~mark (something).
M0l (N): ~mollusk; soft-bellied creature; ~snail; ~octopus; ~squid.
M0t (N): ~market; ~economy.
Mad (N): ~matter.
Mag (N): ~magnet.
Man (N): ~man; ~male; ~boy.
ManMerRey: ~husband.
ManPer: ~father; ~dad.
ManPerPer: ~grandfather.
ManSib: ~brother.
ManV0tPer: ~son.
Map (N): ~map.
Max (N): ~math; ~mathematics.
Med (N): ~medicine; ~drug.
MedPrs: ~doctor; ~nurse.
Mej (V): to ~measure (something).
Mek (V): to ~make (something); ~create; ~produce; cause to exist; ~build; ~construct; give ~birth to.
MekFwd: to ~cook.
MekNiqBil: ~factory.
MekRey: ~product.
Mel (N): ~mail; ~letter (to be sent as mail).
Mem (N): ~member; an individual in a group.
Mer (V): to ~marry (someone); become a spouse of.
Met (N): ~material; ~substance.
Mid (N): ~middle; ~centre/~center; ~core.
Mil (N): ~milk.
Min (N): ~minute.
Mis (N): ~mistake; ~accident; ~error.
Mit (N): ~mint.
Mod (N): ~metal.
ModLwpSic: ~chain.
Mok (N): ~machine; ~device.
Mon (D): ~main; ~chief; ~principal; ~primary.
Mor (D): ~more; -er; to a greater extent; "long" becomes "longer".
MorCoy: ~rather.
Mos (D): -est; to the greatest extent; ~most; "long" becomes "longest".
MosCoyDid: ~favorite.
Mot (D): ~most; the ~majority; almost all.
Muc (N): ~mushroom; ~fungus.
Mul (N): ~mile.
Mun (N): ~money; ~currency; ~cash.
MunBil: ~bank.
Mwl (N): ~mammal.
Mwn (N): ~moon.
Mwv (V): to ~move (something); cause to go; cause to travel.
MwvFwt: to ~step.
MwvNiq: ~movement.
Mwz (N): ~music.
MwzPrsGrp: ~band; ~orchestra.
Myn (V): to ~mean (something); ~signify; ~represent; ~imply.
MynRer: ~evidence.
Myt (V): to ~meet (someone).
Myw (V): to ~amuse (someone); ~entertain; be ~fun to.
N0b (N): ~knob; ~handle; for holding or for opening a door.
N0t (D): ~not; makes a word false; ~no (in response to a question).
N0tHav: to ~lack (something).
N0tHavMun: ~poor.
N0tHit: to ~miss; not hit.
N0tKwd: ~impossible/~impossibly.
N0tNwb: ~adult; ~mature.
N0tPreDid: ~sudden/~suddenly; ~unexpected/~unexpectedly; ~surprising/~surprisingly.
N0tSup: to ~doubt.
N0tWix: ~without.
N0tWixBum: ~smooth.
N0tWixDiz: ~healthy.
N0tWixPrw: ~perfect.
Nam (N): ~animal; ~creature.
Nap (N): ~napkin; ~tissue.
Nec (N): ~nature; phenomena not made by man.
Ned (P): ~instead of; in the place of.
Nem (N): ~name; ~title.
Ner (N): ~energy.
Nes (D): ~next; ~following.
NesDey: ~tomorrow.
Net (N): ~net; ~mesh; ~network.
Nev (N): ~environment; ~setting; ~surroundings; ~context; ~circumstance.
Nic (V): to ~interest (someone); be ~interesting to; ~fascinate.
Nif (N): ~information; ~data; ~signal.
Nin (D): ~nine.
Nol (D): ~only; ~alone; by himself/herself/itself/yourself/myself/themselves/ourselves; ~just; without anything else; without the assistance or company of other people; with no other action; with no other quality; in no other place.
Non (V): to ~know; ~remember.
NonRey: ~knowledge; ~memory.
Nor (D): ~north/~northern.
Nos (V): to ~notice; become ~aware of.
Not (N): ~note; a ~reminder for someone.
Noy (V): to ~annoy (someone); be ~annoying to; ~irritate.
Nuf (D): ~enough; ~sufficient/~sufficiently.
Num (N): ~number; ~quantity; ~amount; used for countable items.
Nut (N): ~nut.
Nuy (N): ~I/~me; the speaker.
NuyZis: ~we/~us.
Nuz (N): ~noise; ~sound.
Nwb (D): ~new/~newly; ~young; ~modern.
NwbFim: ~girl.
NwbMan: ~boy.
NwbNis: ~age.
NwbPrs: ~child; ~kid; ~youth.
Nwz (N): ~news; ~tabloid.
NwzPep: ~newspaper.
Nyd (V): to ~need; ~require; ~must.
NydDid: ~necessary.
Nyr (P): ~near; ~close to; ~around; ~next to; ~beside; ~along; with a short distance.
Nys (D): ~nice; ~kind; ~friendly.
P0k (N): ~project.
P0l (P): ~parallel to; ~along.
P0n (N): ~horse; ~pony.
P0p (D): ~popular; ~cool; ~famous.
P0r (N): ~part; ~piece; ~component; ~section; ~region.
P0s (N): ~pasta.
Pad (N): ~pattern.
Pak (N): ~plastic.
Pan (N): ~pants.
Pat (N): ~planet.
Pax (N): ~path; ~pathway; ~passage; ~passageway.
Ped (N): ~party; ~festivity.
Pek (N): ~picture; ~image.
Pel (N): ~pencil.
Pen (N): ~pen; for writing.
Pep (N): ~paper.
Per (N): ~parent; ~mother; ~father; ~mom; ~dad.
PerPer: ~grandparent.
PerSibV0tPer: ~cousin.
Pig (N): ~pig.
Pik (V): to ~pick (an option); ~choose; ~decide; ~select; ~vote for; ~elect.
PikRey: ~choice; ~option; ~candidate.
Pil (N): ~pillow; ~cushion; ~mattress.
Pin (N): ~pain; ~ache.
Pl0 (V): to ~plan; ~scheme; ~draft; ~plot.
Pl0Rey: ~strategy.
Ple (V): to ~play (a game or instrument).
Plo (N): ~plant.
PloKerNiqPlw: ~farm.
PloPlw: ~garden.
Plw (N): ~place; ~position; ~region; ~area; ~location; ~point.
PlwP0r: ~district.
Ply (D): ~please; makes a verb ~imperative.
Pod (D): ~proud/~proudly.
Pog (N): ~program (on a computer); ~application.
Pol (N): ~police; ~security.
PolPrs: ~cop.
Pon (V): to ~open (something).
Por (V): to ~pour (a substance); ~spill.
Pos (N): ~price; ~cost.
PosPep: ~bill; ~check.
Pot (N): ~point; ~grade; a unit of ~score.
Poy (D): ~polite/~politely; ~civilized.
Poz (N): ~prize; ~reward; ~award; ~bonus.
Pr0 (D): ~probable/~probably; ~likely.
Pr0Nis: ~chance; ~probability; ~luck; ~risk.
Pre (V): to ~predict (something); ~expect; ~infer; ~assume; ~conclude; ~estimate; ~judge; ~guess.
Prl (D): ~purple; ~violet.
Pro (D): ~professional; ~experienced; ~expert; ~skilled.
ProNis: ~skill; ~ability.
Prp (N): ~purpose; the ~reason for which something exists.
Prs (N): ~person; ~human.
PrsGrp: ~community; ~society; ~crowd; ~committee.
PrsK0d: ~personality; ~character.
PrsR0t: ~culture.
Prt (V): to ~buy; ~purchase.
Prw (N): ~problem; ~conflict; ~issue; ~drama; ~trouble; ~puzzle; ~challenge; ~flaw.
Pry (V): to ~practice (a skill); ~exercise.
Pub (D): ~public/~publicly.
Put (N): ~potato.
Pwc (V): to ~push; apply a ~force; ~press; ~squeeze.
PwcJer: to ~blow.
PwcNiq: ~pressure; ~force.
Pwn (N): ~pound.
Pwr (D): ~pure/~purely; ~undiluted.
Pwt (V): to ~put; ~place; ~add.
PwtNed: ~replace.
Pyt (N): ~pizza.
R0d (D): ~ready; ~prepared.
R0k (N): ~rock; ~stone.
R0t (N): ~art.
R0tBil: ~museum.
R0x (N): ~arthropod; animal with exoskeleton; ~insect; ~crustacean; ~arachnid; ~bug.
R0xSwyFwd: ~honey.
Rad (N): ~order; ~permutation; ~organization.
Rek (N): ~rectangle.
Rel (N): ~rail; ~track; for holding or for trains.
RelVok: ~train.
Ren (N): ~rain; ~precipitation.
Rep (V): to ~respond (with an action); ~reply; ~react.
RepNiq: ~answer; ~response.
Req (D): ~ranked; having a place in an order; -st/-nd/-rd/-th; a number will follow; used for ~ordinal numerals.
ReqFiv: ~fifth; ranked five.
ReqFwr: ~fourth; ranked four.
ReqFwrFreFwrYer: ~fall; ~autumn.
ReqNin: ~ninth; ranked nine.
ReqSev: ~seventh: ranked seven.
ReqSik: ~sixth: ranked six.
ReqTwn: ~second; ranked two.
ReqTwnFreFwrYer: ~spring; the season.
ReqVot: ~eighth; ranked eight.
ReqWunFreFwrYer: ~winter.
ReqXry: ~third; ranked three.
ReqXryFreFwrYer: ~summer.
Res (V): to ~rest (on something); ~lie; take a break; ~relax; ~lean.
Ret (V): to ~relate (to something).
RetNiq: ~relationship.
Rid (V): to ~ride (a vehicle or animal).
Rin (N): ~ornament; ~decoration.
Rit (V): to ~write (text).
RitRer: ~author.
RitRey: ~message; ~text.
Riv (N): ~river; ~stream.
Rob (N): ~rubber.
RobCwp: ~boot.
RobLwp: ~rubberband.
Rod (N): ~road; ~street.
Rog (V): to ~organize (something); ~sort; make ~neat.
Ron (N): ~range; ~span; ~length; ~interval.
Rov (P): ~over; ~above; ~high.
Rox (N): ~earth; the planet.
Rub (V): to ~rub (a surface); ~drag on; ~wipe.
Rug (N): ~rug; ~carpet; ~mat.
Run (V): to ~run (on something); ~sprint.
Rus (N): ~rice.
Rut (N): ~reptile.
Rwm (N): ~room; ~chamber.
Rwv (V): to ~approve; ~confirm; ~praise; ~support.
Ryc (V): to ~reach (for something).
Ryd (V): to ~read (text).
Ryn (N): ~rodent.
Rys (N): ~resource; ~nutrient; ~supply.
S0f (D): ~soft; ~flexible.
S0k (N): ~sock.
S0l (N): ~solid; a state of matter.
S0lFwl: ~coal.
S0lW0t: ~ice.
S0n (V): to ~stand (on a surface).
S0r (N): ~stair; ~step.
S0s (N): ~sauce.
S0t (N): ~salt.
S0v (V): to ~solve (something); ~repair; ~fix.
Sac (N): ~sandwich.
Sal (N): ~salad.
San (N): ~sand.
SanPlw: ~beach.
Sat (N): ~status; ~state; ~mode.
Saw (D): ~sour.
Seb (V): to ~celebrate (something).
Sed (V): to ~send (something); ~submit.
Sef (N): ~self; ~himself; ~herself; ~itself; ~ourselves; ~themselves; ~yourself; ~yourselves; causes the verb to be reflexive; refers to the subject of the containing clause.
Sek (N): ~ceramic; ~porcelain.
SekDrtKoyRer: ~pot.
Sel (N): ~cell; part of an organism.
Sen (N): ~sentence.
Set (N): ~system.
Sev (D): ~seven.
SevDeyV0tSt0: ~weekend.
SevDeyZis: ~week.
Sey (V): to ~say (something); ~speak; ~talk; ~tell; ~communicate; ~state.
Sey"N0tCoy": to ~complain.
Sey"VizGul": to ~blame; ~accuse.
Sey"VizV0tTcw": to ~deny.
Sey"WilHrt": to ~threaten.
Sey"WilVizTcw": to ~promise.
SeyBaw: to ~discuss.
SeyMwz: to ~sing.
SeyMynReyVun: to ~define (something).
SeyRey: ~speech; ~communication; ~statement; ~comment.
SeyReyNuz: ~voice.
SeyTwr9ytMekRer: to ~pray.
Sib (N): ~sibling; ~brother; ~sister.
Sic (N): ~string; ~thread; ~lace; ~rope.
Sik (D): ~six.
Sil (N): ~cylinder; ~bar; ~tube; ~pipe.
Sim (N): ~symbol; ~letter; ~digit; ~character.
Sit (V): to ~sit (on a surface).
SitNiqPlw: ~seat.
Ske (V): to ~scare; ~frighten; ~terrify.
SkeNiq: ~fear; ~terror.
Sko (N): ~screen; ~monitor; ~display.
Skr (V): to ~scratch; ~scrape.
Skw (N): ~school; ~college; ~university.
Sky (N): ~sky.
Sle (V): to ~slide (on something); ~glide; ~slip.
Slw (N): ~slope; ~incline; ~ramp.
Sly (V): to ~sleep (on something).
SlyNiqBil: ~hotel.
Sme (N): ~smell; ~odor; ~scent.
SmeGon: ~nose.
SmeVej: ~garlic.
Sod (N): ~soda.
Sop (N): ~soap.
Soq (D): ~strong; ~fit; ~powerful.
SoqDimGrp: ~protein.
SoqGreMod: ~steel.
SoqNis: ~strength; ~power.
SoqWo9: ~storm.
Sot (N): ~science.
Spe (D): ~special; ~original; ~unique.
Spr (V): to ~spread (something); cause to spread; ~disperse.
Spw (N): ~space; ~void; ~gap; ~vacuum; the absence of anything.
SpwL0rNis: ~volume; size of space.
Spy (D): ~spicy.
SpyVej: ~pepper.
Srf (N): ~surface; ~skin.
SrfV0tRovSycNiqGon: ~cheek; skin under the eye.
SrfV0tRovYotNiqGon: ~lip: skin under the nose.
Srk (N): ~circle.
Srt (D): ~straight; extending or moving in one direction only; ~direct.
St0 (N): ~start; ~beginning; the start of an object or span.
Ste (V): to ~stay (in a group); ~remain; ~continue to be; be in the ~rest.
Sto (N): ~story; ~tale; ~rumor.
Str (N): ~star; ~sun.
Stw (V): to ~stick to (something); ~adhere to.
Sty (D): ~still; still true; not moving.
Sud (N): ~side; ~face (of an object).
Sug (V): ~suggest (to do something); ~advise; ~direct; ~instruct; ~guide; ~lead.
Sum (D): ~some; ~a; ~an; a particular instance of (previously unmentioned).
SumPlw: ~somewhere.
SumPrs: ~somebody; ~someone.
SumTem: ~sometime.
SumXiq: ~something.
Sup (V): to ~suppose (that something is true); have an ~opinion; ~think that; ~believe.
SupNiq: ~belief; ~religion; ~faith.
SupNiqBil: ~church; ~temple.
Suy (N): ~sign.
Swo (N): ~switch; for making and breaking a circuit.
Swp (N): ~soup.
Swy (D): ~sweet.
Syc (V): to ~see (something).
SycFok: to ~look at (something); ~watch; ~observe.
SycNiqGon: ~eye.
SycNiqMok: ~camera.
SycNiqPlw: ~perspective.
SycRey: ~sight.
Syd (N): ~seed.
Sym (V): to ~seem like (something); ~appear to be; ~look like.
Tak (V): to ~trick (someone); ~deceive; ~fool.
Tan (N): ~town; ~village; ~city.
Tas (N): ~task; ~job.
Tc0 (N): ~chocolate.
Tce (V): to ~change (something); make different; ~modify; ~alter; ~transform.
TceRey: ~variable.
Tco (N): ~chair; ~couch.
Tcr (V): to ~try (something); ~attempt; make an ~effort.
Tcr"Fid": to ~seek; to ~search for.
Tcw (D): ~true/~truly; in fact; did; ~indeed; ~yes (in response to a question).
TcwNis: ~fact; ~truth.
Tcy (N): ~cheese.
Teb (N): ~table.
Tec (N): ~texture; how something feels.
Tem (N): ~time; ~period; ~moment; either a specific point or a span.
TemMejRer: ~clock.
Tep (V): to ~taper (to a ~point); gradually become narrow until converging; be ~sharp toward.
TepRey: ~point; ~tip.
Tes (V): to ~test; ~experiment (with something).
Tey (V): to ~take (something); actively ~remove; ~adopt.
Til (P): ~until.
Tis (N): ~taste; ~flavor.
TisGon: ~tongue.
Tok (V): to ~check; ~inspect; see the status of something.
Tor (N): ~tree.
TorLan: ~forest.
Tos (V): to ~chase (someone/something); ~pursue.
Tot (D): ~total/~totally; ~entire/~entirely; ~whole; ~full/~fully; ~complete/~completely.
Toy (N): ~toy.
Trg (D): ~together; with each other.
TrgPwt: to ~match.
Trn (V): to ~turn (something); ~rotate; change the orientation of; ~aim; ~roll; ~spin.
TrnRer: ~motor; ~engine.
Trp (V): to ~capture; ~trap.
Tuc (V): to ~touch; make ~contact with.
TucWixYotNiqGon: to ~kiss.
Tum (N): ~tomato.
Tuy (V): to ~tie (a string).
Twc (D): ~too; ~excessive/~excessively; to too much of an extent.
Twl (N): ~tool.
Twn (D): ~two.
TwnTemZis: ~twice.
TwnWun: ~dozen; ~twelve.
TwnWylVok: ~bike; ~bicycle.
Twr (P): ~to; ~towards; in the direction of.
Tws (V): to ~trust; ~rely on; ~depend on.
Tyc (V): to ~teach (something); ~educate; ~train.
TycNiq: ~education.
TycRey: ~lesson.
Tym (N): ~team; ~club.
TymPrs: ~partner.
V0l (D): ~already.
V0t (D): ~anti; ~opposite; ~inverse in meaning.
V0tBeg: to ~stop (something); ~halt.
V0tBey: ~complex; ~complicated.
V0tBiz: ~idle.
V0tBl0: to ~implode.
V0tBlw: ~orange.
V0tBrv: ~afraid; ~cowardly; ~timid; ~nervous.
L0rV0tBrvNam: ~deer.
V0tBrt: ~dark; ~dim.
V0tBrtV0tBlw: ~brown.
V0tBwn: ~around.
V0tByd: ~ugly; ~unattractive; ~hideous/~hideously.
V0tByf: ~after.
V0tC0lPlw: ~nowhere.
V0tC0lPrs: ~nobody; no-one.
V0tC0lTem: ~never.
V0tC0lXiq: ~nothing.
V0tC0n: ~off of.
V0tCin: ~out; ~outside of.
V0tCot: to ~hide (something); ~conceal.
V0tCoy: to ~dislike.
V0tCup: ~down; ~downward.
V0tCupSud: ~bottom; ~base.
V0tCwr: ~uncertain.
V0tD0m: ~manual/~manually.
V0tDej: ~safety; ~security.
V0tDey: ~night.
V0tDif: ~same.
V0tDifSudRek: ~square.
V0tDig: to ~bury.
V0tDiv: to ~combine.
V0tDiz: ~health.
V0tDun: ~incomplete; ~unfinished.
V0tDwn: to ~undo.
V0tV0n: ~rarely; ~infrequent/~infrequently.
V0tFac: ~casual/~casually.
V0tFas: ~slow/~slowly.
V0tFen: ~enemy; ~rival; ~opponent.
V0tFer: ~unfair/~unfairly.
V0tFid: ~lose; opposite of find.
V0tFis: ~last; ~final/~finally; ~ultimate/~ultimately.
V0tFlo: ~ceiling.
V0tFod: ~backward.
V0tFodP0r: ~background.
V0tFodSud: ~back.
V0tFok: to ~ignore.
V0tFor: ~against.
V0tFrt: ~behind.
V0tFry: ~constrained.
V0tFul: ~empty.
V0tFun: ~sad; ~tragic; ~serious.
V0tFwd: ~poop/~poo; ~crap.
V0tG0r: ~treasure.
V0tGat: ~general.
V0tGry: to ~disagree.
V0tGul: ~innocent.
V0tGwd: ~bad; ~negative.
V0tGwdPrsBil: ~prison; ~jail.
V0tGyn: ~red.
V0tGynFrw: ~apple.
V0tGyt: to say ~goodbye.
V0tH0l: ~filled.
V0tHap: ~unhappy/~unhappily; ~sad/~sadly.
V0tHep: to ~hinder.
V0tHev: ~light; opposite of heavy.
V0tHey: ~goodbye; ~bye.
V0tHrt: to ~heal; ~repair.
V0tJak: ~fake; not real; not existing.
V0tJakNis: ~fiction.
V0tK0z: to ~prevent.
V0tKef: ~careless/~carelessly; ~bashful/~bashfully.
V0tKen: ~strange/~strangely; ~uncommon/~uncommonly, ~unusual/~unusually; ~rare/~rarely.
V0tKet: to ~disconnect (something).
V0tKev: ~dumb; ~stupid.
V0tKey: ~unacceptable/~unacceptably.
V0tKlr: ~unclear/~unclearly.
V0tKly: ~dirty; ~messy.
V0tKor: ~wrong; ~incorrect.
V0tKro: ~tame; ~docile; ~domestic.
V0tKuf: ~uncomfortable/~uncomfortably.
V0tKuv: to ~uncover; ~unwrap.
V0tL0k: to ~unlock (something).
V0tL0kRer: ~key; for unlocking things.
V0tL0q: ~short; ~brief.
V0tL0r: ~little; ~small.
V0tL0rFyrMedSil: ~cigarette.
V0tL0rPos: ~cheap.
V0tL0rRek: ~card.
V0tL0t: ~few.
V0tLad: ~quiet.
V0tLadSey: to ~whisper.
V0tLat: ~inlet; ~repository.
V0tLef: ~right; ~rightward; toward the right.
V0tLet: ~deny; opposite of allow.
V0tLiv: ~dead.
V0tLivNis: ~death.
V0tLrn: to ~forget.
V0tLuv: to ~hate.
V0tLwf: to the ~right of; on the right side of.
V0tLyk: ~unlike.
V0tLyr: ~late.
V0tLyt: ~shadow; ~shade.
V0tMek: to ~destroy; ~delete.
V0tMer: to ~divorce.
V0tMor: ~less.
V0tMos: ~least.
V0tNec: ~artificial.
V0tNes: ~previous; ~former.
V0tNesDey: ~yesterday.
V0tNor: ~south/~southern.
V0tNuf: ~insufficient/~insufficiently.
V0tNwb: ~old; ~traditional.
V0tNyr: ~far from; ~away from.
V0tNys: ~mean; ~unkind; ~unfriendly.
V0tP0l: ~perpendicular to.
V0tPer: ~child; ~offspring.
V0tPod: ~embarrassed.
V0tPon: to ~close (something); ~shut.
V0tPoy: ~rude.
V0tPrl: ~yellow.
V0tPrlMod: ~gold.
V0tPrt: to ~sell; ~vend.
V0tPub: ~private/~privately; ~secret/~secretly.
V0tPwc: to ~pull; ~stretch; ~attract.
V0tPwcJer: to ~suck.
V0tPwr: ~impure/~impurely.
V0tPwt: ~remove; ~subtract.
V0tR0d: ~unprepared.
V0tRit: to ~erase.
V0tRog: to ~mix (something); ~stir; ~disorganize; ~scramble.
V0tRov: ~under; ~below; ~beneath; ~low.
V0tRwv: to ~disapprove; ~scold.
V0tS0f: ~hard; ~firm; ~tough.
V0tSly: to be ~awake.
V0tSoq: ~weak/~weakly.
V0tSt0: ~end; the end of a range or span.
V0tTcr: to ~avoid (doing something).
V0tTcw: ~false.
V0tTey: ~give; ~donate; ~contribute; ~provide; ~pass; ~share.
V0tTeyBak: to ~return; give back.
V0tTeyFwd: to ~feed.
V0tTeyMun: ~pay.
V0tTeyRey: ~gift; ~present; ~donation.
V0tTos: to ~avoid (something); keep away from; ~flee.
V0tTrg: ~separate; ~apart.
V0tTrp: to ~release; let go.
V0tTuy: to ~untie.
V0tTwr: ~from; ~away from.
V0tVek: to ~bore; be ~boring to.
V0tVer: ~slight/~slightly: a ~little.
V0tVis: ~runny.
V0tWet: ~dry.
V0tWin: ~lose; ~fail.
V0tWod: ~narrow.
V0tWom: ~cool; a little cold.
V0tWor: ~peace.
V0tWyn: ~off; ~inactive/~inactively; not doing anything.
V0tWys: ~black.
V0tXik: ~thin.
V0tXikPutP0r: potato ~chip.
V0tYos: ~west/~western.
V0tYot: ~poop/~poo; ~crap; ~pee.
V0tYotBax: ~toilet; ~potty.
V0tYwl: ~useless.
V0tZyp: ~hard; ~difficult.
Vak (N): ~axle; used in a hinge.
Val (N): ~value; ~worth; ~credit.
ValGreMod: ~silver.
Van (P): ~and.
Vat (P): ~at.
VatV0tDifTem: ~immediate/~immediately; ~sudden/~suddenly.
Vaz (D): ~as; to a certain extent; ~so.
Vej (N): ~vegetable.
Vek (V): to ~excite (someone); make ~eager.
Vel (D): ~available; ~accessible.
Veq (N): ~angle; degree measure; ~corner; ~joint; ~hinge.
Ver (D): ~very; to a great extent; ~quite; ~really; ~pretty.
VerGwd: ~fantastic; ~wonderful; ~awesome.
VerL0r: ~huge; ~giant; ~gigantic; ~enormous.
VerL0rBax: ~pool.
VerNwbPrs: ~baby; ~infant.
VerV0tGwdHenXiq: ~disaster.
VerV0tL0r: ~tiny.
VerV0tNwb: ~ancient.
VerV0tWom: ~cold; ~chilly.
VerVer: ~extremely.
VerWom: ~hot.
Vet (D): ~vertical; parallel to gravity.
VetGrp: ~column.
VetL0qBil: ~tower.
Vid (N): ~video; ~movie.
VidSko: ~television: ~TV.
Vim (D): ~important/~importantly; ~serious/~seriously; matter; ~relevant; ~crucial.
Vis (D): ~viscous; ~thick; ~gooey.
VisMil: ~cream.
Vit (V): to ~visit; be a guest at; ~tour.
VitNiq: ~trip.
VitRer: ~guest; ~visitor.
Viz (V): to ~be (an instance/kind of).
VizCinFyr: to ~burn.
VizJ0pTid: to ~fall.
VizVim: to ~matter; be important.
Vok (N): ~vehicle.
VokRwm: ~garage.
Vot (D): ~eight.
Vun (P): ~of; originating ~from; possessed by; related to.
VunWitPrs: ~whose.
Vwd (D): ~would; ~conditional or ~hypothetical.
VwdNis: ~condition.
Vwn (N): ~oven; ~stove; ~grill.
Vyn (D): ~even; emphasizes something surprising or extreme.
W0k (V): to ~walk (on something).
W0kNiqPlw: ~park.
W0l (N): ~wall; ~fence.
W0n (V): to ~want; ~wish for; ~hope for; ~seek.
W0nRey: ~goal; ~target.
W0t (N): ~water.
W0tBl0Rey: ~torpedo.
W0tVok: ~ship; ~boat.
We9 (D): ~whether; expresses the truth of a statement.
Web (N): ~web; ~internet.
WebMel: ~email.
Wed (N): ~word; ~term.
WedR0t: ~poem; ~poetry.
Weg (V): to ~wait (for something).
Wek (V): to ~work (on something); do ~labor.
WekNiqRwm: ~studio.
Wel (P): ~while; ~during; ~for; for the duration of; from the start to the end of.
Wer (V): to ~wear (an article).
Wet (D): ~wet; ~damp; ~soggy.
Wev (V): to ~wave (something); move back and forth; ~swing.
Wey (N): ~way; ~method; ~means; ~manner; ~mode.
Wic (N): ~wind; ~gust; ~breeze.
Wid (N): ~window.
Wil (D): ~will; going to; causes a verb to be in the ~future tense.
Wim (D): ~which; ~whom; extracts the direct or prepositional object from a situation noun so that the object takes the place of the situation noun in the parent clause.
Win (V): to ~win (a competition); be ~victorious in; ~succeed at.
Wis (D): ~which; ~who; extracts the subject from a situation noun so that the subject takes the place of the situation noun in the parent clause.
Wit (D): ~which; ~interrogative identity.
WitL0g: ~why.
WitPlw: ~where.
WitPrs: ~who.
WitTem: ~when.
WitWey: ~how.
WitXiq: ~what.
Wix (P): ~with; along with; accompanied by.
Wo9 (N): ~weather; ~climate.
Wod (D): ~wide.
Wol (N): ~world.
WolJer: ~atmosphere.
Wom (D): ~warm; a little hot.
WomNis: ~heat; ~warmth.
Wor (N): ~war; ~battle; ~combat.
Wun (D): ~one.
WunTem: ~once.
Wuz (D): ~was; -ed; causes a verb to be in the ~past tense.
Wyl (N): ~wheel.
WylRob: ~tire.
Wyn (D): ~on; ~active/~actively; doing something.
Wys (D): ~white.
Wyt (N): ~wheat.
WytKroLic: ~beer.
Xik (D): ~thick; large in the tertiary direction; ~fat.
Xiq (N): ~thing; the most general ~noun.
Xok (V): to ~think (about something); ~analyze; ~imagine.
XokDifNisVun: to ~compare.
XokNiqGon: ~brain.
Xro (V): to ~throw (something); ~toss.
Xrw (P): ~through; in and out of.
Xry (D): ~three.
Yer (N): ~year.
Yol (N): ~oil.
YolFwl: ~gas; ~gasoline.
Yos (D): ~east/~eastern.
Yot (V): to ~eat (something); ~consume; ~drink; ~devour.
YotNiq: ~meal.
YotNiqBil: ~restaurant.
YotNiqGon: ~mouth.
Ywl (D): ~useful; ~helpful.
Ywn (N): ~you; the person being addressed.
Ywt (N): ~unit; ~meter; ~gram; ~liter.
Ywz (V): to ~use; ~spend.
Zam (N): ~example; ~model.
Zyp (D): ~easy/~easily; ~facile.
Zyr (D): ~zero.
ZyrSikMin: ~hour.
ZyrWun: ~ten.
ZyrXryDeyZis: ~month.
ZyrZyrWun: ~hundred.
ZyrZyrZyrWun: ~thousand.
ZyrZyrZyrZyrZyrZyrWun: ~million.
ZyrZyrZyrZyrZyrZyrZyrZyrZyrWun: ~billion.