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WheatBytecode is the programming language provided by WheatSystem for applications. This document describes the syntax and instructions of WheatBytecode.


All integers in WheatBytecode are stored in little-endian order. All signed integers use two's complement to express negative values. All characters use ASCII encoding.

Integer data types are expressed in the following manner:

Each bytecode application file has the following structure:

Bytecode application file = [
    u32 global frame size,
    u32 function table length,
    u32 application data file position,
    Function table,
    Instruction array,
    Application data

The function table provides metadata for all functions in the application, while the instruction array contains bodies of bytecode instructions. Each function table entry references an instruction body. Instruction bodies in the instruction array must match the order of entries in the function table. Instruction bodies may not have unused space before or after their defined boundaries.

The application data region stores constant data which the application may read during runtime. Values in the application data region cannot be modified.

Each function table entry in a bytecode application file has the following structure:

Function table entry = [
    s32 function ID,
    u8 is guarded,
    u32 argument frame size,
    u32 local frame size,
    u32 instruction body file position,
    u32 instruction body size

File types have the following enumeration values:

Each heap allocation stores the following bitfield of attributes:

Allocation attributes = [
    u1 x6 unused bits,
    u1 is sentry,
    u1 is guarded

Gate modes have the following enumeration values:


A "frame" is used by an application to store variable data. The size of each frame remains fixed after it is allocated.

Each frame has one of three types:

Each application has exactly one global frame. This frame is never removed.

One or more threads may be active in the system at a time. Each thread contains a stack, which in turn contains local frames and argument frames. When a thread calls a function, a local frame is added to the stack. When a thread returns from a function, the corresponding local frame is removed from the stack.

Argument values and return values are passed between functions through argument frames. If one function would like to call a function with arguments and read the return value, the calling function must perform these steps:

  1. Allocate an argument frame.
  2. Populate the argument frame with arguments.
  3. Call the function and wait for invocation to finish.
  4. Read return values from the argument frame.

In the scenario described above, the invoked function would follow these steps:

  1. Read arguments from the argument frame provided by the calling function.
  2. Perform the desired set of operations.
  3. Store return values in the argument frame provided by the calling function.
  4. Return control to the calling function.

If the expected argument frame size for a function is zero, the caller is not required to allocate an argument frame, and the invoked function cannot access any argument frame which may have been passed.

Every application has access to the unified system heap. Heap allocations have fixed size in the same manner as frames. If an application quits, the system will delete every heap allocation created by the application. Otherwise, applications must manually perform garbage collection.

Applications may reference heap allocations by using pointers. Each pointer is a 32-bit integer generated by the system. The pointer value of the null pointer is zero.

Every heap allocation may be marked as guarded or unguarded. The data in a guarded heap allocation may only be accessed by its creator or by applications with admin permission.

A heap allocation may also be marked as a sentry. A sentry allocation is intended to be referenced by multiple applications. The sentry attribute serves as a mechanism to help applications enforce type safety. All file handles and gates are sentry allocations created by the system.

Whenever a frame or a heap allocation is created, its contents are cleared so that every byte is zero. This ensures that one application cannot inspect memory which was freed by another application.


Each bytecode instruction has the following structure:

Instruction = [
    u8 opcode,
    Array of arguments

Each argument is preceded by a prefix which has the following structure:

Argument prefix = [
    u4 reference type,
    u4 data type

Argument reference types have the following enumeration values:

Argument data types have the following enumeration values:

When reference type is 0x0, the argument will have the following structure:

Constant argument = [
    Argument prefix,
    Constant value

When reference type is 0x1, 0x2, 0x3, or 0x4, the argument will have the following structure:

Frame argument = [
    Argument prefix,
    Frame index as nested argument

When reference type is 0x5, the argument will have the following structure:

Application data argument = [
    Argument prefix,
    Application data index as nested argument

When reference type is 0x6, the argument will have the following structure:

Heap allocation argument = [
    Argument prefix,
    Pointer as nested argument,
    Allocation index as nested argument

When reference type is 0x7, the argument will only consist of an argument prefix, and the data type in the prefix will be ignored.


Every error code must fit within a signed 8-bit integer. The sign of each error code holds special significance:

genericErr error code = 0x01

Thrown if a problem occurs which cannot be described by a more specific error code.

noImplErr error code = 0x02

Thrown if no implementation is available for the given operation. This includes the following circumstances:

typeErr error code = 0x03

Thrown if a value or resource has the wrong type. This includes the following circumstances:

numRangeErr error code = 0x04

Thrown if a number argument is not in an acceptable range.

indexErr error code = 0x05

Thrown if an index argument is out of bounds or refers to an invalid item. This includes the following circumstances:

lenErr error code = 0x06

Thrown if an argument representing a length or size is invalid. This includes the following circumstances:

ptrErr error code = 0x07

Thrown if a pointer argument has a malformed value, or if the pointer references a deleted heap allocation.

nullErr error code = 0x08

Thrown if a pointer argument has an unexpected null value.

dataErr error code = 0x09

Thrown if an argument data structure contains malformed data. This includes the following circumstances:

argFrameErr error code = 0x0A

Thrown when an argument frame is missing or has an invalid size. This includes the following circumstances:

missingErr error code = 0x0B

Thrown if a necessary resource does not exist. This includes the following circumstances:

stateErr error code = 0x0C

Thrown when trying to use a resource which is in an invalid state. This includes the following circumstances:

permErr error code = 0x0D

Thrown if the current application has insufficient permissions to perform an action. This includes the following circumstances:

capacityErr error code = 0x0E

Thrown if the system has insufficient hardware resources for the operation. This includes the following circumstances:

throttleErr error code = 0x0F

Thrown if the current function invocation should terminate prematurely. This includes the following circumstances:


wrt dest, value

Writes a value from one memory location to another.

wrtBuff dest, buff, size

Copies a sequence of bytes between memory locations. dest and buff may overlap each other in memory.

fillBuff buff, size, value

Fills a range of memory with a repeating value.

newArgFrame size

Creates a new argument frame to feed into the next function invocation. If an argument frame already exists, it will be deleted first.

newAlloc dest, attrs, size

Creates a new heap allocation.

delAlloc alloc

Deletes a heap allocation.

allocAttrs dest, alloc

Retrieves the attributes of a heap allocation.

allocSize dest, alloc

Retrieves the size of a heap allocation.

allocCreator dest, alloc

Retrieves the file handle of the application which created the given heap allocation. The result is null if the allocation was created by the system.

setAllocAttrs alloc, attrs

Modifies the attributes of the given heap allocation.


jmp instrOffset

Jumps control flow to another instruction within the current function.

jmpZ instrOffset, cond

Jumps control flow to another instruction if the given value is zero.

jmpNZ instrOffset, cond

Jumps control flow to another instruction if the given value is not zero.

jmpE instrOffset, value1, value2

Jumps control flow to another instruction if the given values are equal.

jmpNE instrOffset, value1, value2

Jumps control flow to another instruction if the given values are not equal.

jmpG instrOffset, value1, value2

Jumps control flow to another instruction if the first value is greater than the second value.

jmpNG instrOffset, value1, value2

Jumps control flow to another instruction if the first value is not greater than the second value.


newGate dest, mode

Creates a new gate to facilitate synchronization of function invocations within the current application. The new gate will initially be in an open state. The current application is considered to be the owner of the gate. If an application quits, all gates owned by the application will be deleted.

delGate gate

Deletes the given gate.

waitGate gate

Blocks execution of the current function invocation if the given gate is closed. If another thread in the current app calls openGate on the gate, execution will resume. If the gate mode is 1, the gate will close after calling waitGate.

openGate gate

Causes the given gate to open. If the gate mode is 0, then openGate will resume all threads blocked by waitGate. If the gate mode is 1, then openGate will resume only one thread blocked by waitGate, and waitGate will immediately close the gate again.

closeGate gate

Causes the given gate to close, so that waitGate will block thread execution.


setErrJmp instrOffset

Configures an error handler within the current function. If an error is thrown, control flow will jump to the error handler.


Removes any error handler from the current function. If an error is thrown, it will be passed to the invoking function.

throw errCode

Throws an error which will be handled by the invoking function, or by the error handler in the current function. The error code must be in the range of s8.

err dest

Retrieves the code of the last error which was caught in the current function. The result will be 0 if no error has been caught by an error handler.


findFunc dest, appHandle, funcId

Searches for a function having an ID in the given application. If such a function is not found, the result is -1.

call funcIndex

Invokes a function which is defined in the current application.

callRemote appHandle, funcIndex

Invokes a function which may be defined in another application.


Exits the current function and returns control flow to the invoking function.

caller dest

Retrieves the file handle of the application which invoked the current function.

funcIsGuarded dest, appHandle, funcIndex

Retrieves whether the function defined in the given application is guarded.


bNot dest, value

Performs bitwise NOT with the given value.

bOr dest, value1, value2

Performs bitwise OR with the given values.

bAnd dest, value1, value2

Performs bitwise AND with the given values.

bXor dest, value1, value2

Performs bitwise XOR with the given values.

bLeft dest, value1, value2

Performs bitshift left with the given values.

bRight dest, value1, value2

Performs bitshift right with the given values. The leftmost bits will be filled with zeros.


inc value

Increments the given value by one.

dec value

Decrements the given value by one.

add dest, value1, value2

Performs addition with the given values.

sub dest, value1, value2

Performs subtraction with the given values.

mul dest, value1, value2

Performs multiplication with the given values.

div dest, value1, value2

Performs division with the given values.

mod dest, value1, value2

Performs the modulo operation with the given values.


launch appHandle

Launches the given application if it is not already running.

thisApp dest

Retrieves the file handle of the current application.


Terminates the current application.

appIsRunning dest, appHandle

Retrieves whether the given application is running.

appInitErr dest, appHandle

Retrieves the code of the unhandled error which terminated the init function of the given application. The result will be 0 if the given application has no associated init error. The init error will persist until appHandle is deleted by the system, or until the application is launched again.

killApp appHandle

Requests for the given application to terminate.


newFile name, type, isGuarded, size

Creates a new file.

delFile fileHandle

Deletes the given file.

openFile dest, name

Retrieves a file handle for the given file. After the current application finishes using the file handle, the application should perform the closeFile instruction. Otherwise, the system may accumulate garbage.

closeFile fileHandle

Indicates to the system that the current application has finished using the given file handle. The system may delete fileHandle if all other applications have also closed the file handle.

readFile dest, fileHandle, pos, size

Reads a sequences of bytes from the given file into a buffer.

wrtFile fileHandle, pos, buff, size

Writes a sequences of bytes from the given buffer into a file.


allFileNames dest

Retrieves a list of all file names in the system volume.

fileExists dest, name

Retrieves whether a file with the given name exists.

fileName dest, fileHandle

Retrieves the name of the given file.

fileType dest, fileHandle

Retrieves the type of the given file.

fileIsGuarded dest, fileHandle

Retrieves whether the given file is guarded.

fileSize dest, fileHandle

Retrieves the size of the given file.


hasAdminPerm dest, appHandle

Retrieves whether the given application holds admin permission.

giveAdminPerm appHandle

Grants admin permission to the given application.

delAdminPerm appHandle

Deletes admin permission from the given application.


memSize dest

Retrieves the total amount of memory in the system.

appMemSize dest, appHandle

Retrieves the amount of memory used by the given application.

memSizeLeft dest

Retrieves the amount of unused memory remaining in the system.

volSize dest

Retrieves the total amount of storage in the system volume.

volSizeLeft dest

Retrieves the amount of unused storage remaining in the system volume.