= = = 1580 DICTIONARY = = = There are currently 989 words in the dictionary. PUNCTUATION 0: May be used as a period to end a sentence. PRONOUNS 1: The 1st pronoun. 2: The 2nd pronoun. 3: The 3rd pronoun. 4: The 4th pronoun. 5: The 5th pronoun. 6: The 6th pronoun. 7: The 7th pronoun. 8: The 8th pronoun. 9: The 9th pronoun. 10: The 10th pronoun. 11: The 11th pronoun. 12: The 12th pronoun. 13: The 13th pronoun. 14: The 14th pronoun. 15: The 15th pronoun. 16: The 16th pronoun. 17: The 17th pronoun. 18: The 18th pronoun. 19: The 19th pronoun. 20: The 20th pronoun. 21: The 21st pronoun. 22: The 22nd pronoun. 23: The 23rd pronoun. GRAMMATICAL 47: Resets the meaning of the subject. 48: Resets the meaning of every pronoun. 49: Be a/an; some; one not mentioned previously. 50: Be the; one mentioned previously. 51: Be this; the closer one. 52: Be that; the more distant one. 53: Be any; no particular one. 54: Be which; having an interrogative identity. 55: Be (an instance of). 56: Be equal to; the same as; identical to. 57: Be of; originating from; possessed by; related to. 58: Be for; intended for; for the purpose of; so that; to. 59: Be against; opposed to. 60: Be by; happening by means of; with. 61: Be except; not including. 62: Be instead of; in the place of. 63: Be and; in addition to. 64: Be or; either one. 65: Be but; however; in contrast. 66: Be because. 67: Be if; under the circumstance that. 68: Makes the sentence a true or false question; interrogative truth. 69: Be even; emphasizing something surprising or extreme. 70: Be a way; method; means; manner; mode. 71: Depend (on something); be controlled or determined by; rely. 72: Be other; another; a different one. 73: Be a thing; the most general noun. 74: Be an object; item. 75: Be me; I. 76: Be us; we. 77: Be you; singular. 78: Be you all; plural. 79: Be self; himself; herself; itself; ourselves; themselves; yourself; yourselves. 80: Be something which performs the action of the direct object routinely. 81: Be something which receives the action of the direct object routinely. DIGITS 102: Be 0. 103: Be 1. 104: Be 2. 105: Be 3. 106: Be 4. 107: Be 5. 108: Be 6. 109: Be 7. 110: Be 8. 111: Be 9. 112: Be 10. 113: Be 11. 114: Be 12. 115: Be 13. 116: Be 14. 117: Be 15. 118: Be 16. 119: Be 17. 120: Be 18. 121: Be 19. 122: Be 20. 123: Be 21. 124: Be 22. 125: Be 23. 126: Be 24. 127: Be 25. 128: Be 26. 129: Be 27. 130: Be 28. 131: Be 29. AMOUNT 160: Be a number; quantity; amount; used for countable items. 161: Be an extent; degree; amount; quantity; used for uncountable substances or actions. 162: Have a quantity; have an amount. 163: Be than; relative to; with respect to; in comparison with. 164: Be more than; -er; to a greater extent than; "long" becomes "longer". 165: Be less than; to a smaller extent than. 166: Be most; -est; to the greatest extent; "long" becomes "longest". 167: Be least; to the smallest extent. 168: Be a weight; how heavy something is. 169: Be heavy/heavily. 170: Be light; with a small weight. 171: Be common/commonly; normal; usual; ordinary; regular; typical. 172: Be rare; uncommon; unusual. 173: Be only; alone; by himself/herself/itself/yourself/myself/themselves/ourselves; just; without anything else; without the assistance or company of other people; with no other action; with no other quality; in no other place. 174: Be often; frequent/frequently; occupational/occupationally; as a job; routinely; as the primary purpose; as a tool for. 175: Be rarely; infrequent; not many times. 176: Be barely; hardly at all. 177: Plural; more than one. 178: Be a lot of; many. 179: Be few; not many. 180: Be most; the majority; almost all. 181: Be the minority; almost none. 182: Be all; every. 183: Be none; no amount of. 184: Be math; mathematics. 185: Count (something); find the quantity of. 186: Measure (something). 187: Add to; add the subject to the object; for numeric values. 188: Subtract from; subtract the subject from the object; for numeric values. 189: Multiply by; multiply the object by the subject; for numeric values. 190: Divide by; divide the object by the subject; for numeric values. 191: Raise to power; raise the object to the subject power; for numeric values. 192: Copy (something); make one more; duplicate; multiply. 193: Divide (something); split; distribute. 194: Adjust (something). 195: Be a limit; constraint; the maximum permissible amount. 196: Be too; excessive/excessively; to too much of an extent. 197: Be almost; nearly. 198: Be very; to a great extent; quite. 199: Be a little; to a small extent. 200: Be enough; sufficient/sufficiently. ORDER 225: Be an order; permutation; organization. 226: Having a number rank; having an ordinal number; -st/-nd/-rd/-th. 227: Be first; initial. 228: Be last; ultimate. 229: Be next; following. 230: Be previous; the one before. 231: Be with; along with; accompanied by. 232: Be together; with each other. 233: Be a group; category. 234: Be a team. 235: Be a member; an individual in a group. 236: Organize (something); sort; make neat. 237: Disorganize (something); scramble; mix. 238: Collect (something); gather. 239: Tie (a string). 240: Be a pattern. 241: Be a system. EXISTENCE/PROBABILITY 269: Exist; be actual; real. 270: Be true/truly; in fact; did; indeed; yes (in response to a question). 271: Be not; makes a word false; no (in response to a question). 272: Be sure; certain/certainly. 273: Be exact; precise; specific; particular. 274: Be vague; imprecise. 275: Happen; occur. 276: Be still; still true; not moving. 277: Become (something). 278: Cause (something); make happen; be the reason for; so; therefore. 279: Make (something); create; produce; cause to exist; build; construct. 280: Destroy; deconstruct. 281: Be a purpose; the reason for which something exists. 282: Be an example; model. 283: Be whether (something); expresses the truth of a statement. 284: Can; capable of happening; able to occur. 285: Could; the verb could happen; possible/possibly; may; might; perhaps; maybe. 286: Be probable/probably; likely. 287: Be improbable; unlikely. 288: Would; conditional or hypothetical. POSITION 318: Be a place; position; region; area; location; point. 319: Be in; inside of; within. 320: Be out; outside of. 321: Be in front of. 322: Be behind. 323: Be over; above; high. 324: Be below; beneath; low. 325: Be to the left of; on the left side of. 326: Be to the right of; on the right side of. 327: Be near; close to; around; along; with a short distance. 328: Be far; distant from. 329: Be at. 330: Be between; among; within. 331: Be on (something); on top of; supported by. 332: Be off of (something); not supported by. 333: Touch; make contact with. 334: Put; place; add. 335: Remove; take away; subtract. 336: Be a home. 337: Be an address; index; location identifier. 338: Be a level (of a game, building, etc); layer; shelf. 339: Be an environment; setting; surroundings; context; circumstance. 340: Stay; remain. 341: Visit; be a guest at; tour. DIRECTION 367: Be a direction; way; path. 368: Be forward. 369: Be backward. 370: Be up. 371: Be down. 372: Be left; leftward; toward the left. 373: Be right; rightward; toward the right. 374: Be horizontal; perpendicular to gravity. 375: Be vertical; parallel to gravity. 376: Be to; towards; in the direction of. 377: Be from; away from; in the opposite direction of. 378: Be back to; toward the source or original location. 379: Be across. 380: Be through; in and out of. 381: Be north. 382: Be south. 383: Be east. 384: Be west. 385: Turn (intransitive); rotate. 386: Be a path; pathway; passage; passageway. TIME 413: Be a time; period; moment; either a specific point or a span. 414: Was; -ed; causes a verb to be in the past tense. 415: Will; going to; causes a verb to be in the future tense. 416: Be before. 417: Be after. 418: Be during (something); not necessarily from the start to end of. 419: Be while; during; for; for the duration of; from the start to the end of. 420: Be until. 421: Begin (intransitive); start; initiate. 422: Be done; finished; complete/completely. 423: Be temporary. 424: Be permanent. 425: Be new/newly; young. 426: Be old. 427: Be early. 428: Be late. 429: Be already. 430: Wait (for something). 431: Be a clock; watch. 432: Be Spring; the season. 433: Be Summer. 434: Be Autumn; fall. 435: Be Winter. MOVEMENT 461: Go; travel; move. 462: Be fast; quick/quickly. 463: Be energy. 464: Be mobile. 465: Be stationary. 466: Carry (something); bring. 467: Walk. 468: Run. 469: Jump. 470: Slide; glide; slip. 471: Spread (intransitive). 472: Follow (someone/something). 473: Chase (someone/something); pursue. 474: Avoid (someone/something); dodge. 475: Wave (intransitive); move back and forth; swing. 476: Shake (intransitive); vibrate. 477: Bounce (intransitive); reflect; deflect. 478: Be slow. FORCES 500: Push; apply a force; press. 501: Pull. 502: Be strong; fit; powerful; tough. 503: Be weak; lacking power; fragile; brittle. 504: Be friction. 505: Rub (a surface); drag on. 506: Brush (hair); comb. 507: Scratch; scrape. 508: Bend (intransitive); fold. 509: Throw (something); toss. 510: Catch (something). 511: Balance (intransitive). 512: Fall; be dropped. 513: Be gravity; gravitational force. 514: Be a magnet. 515: Stick to (something); adhere to. 516: Cut (something); chop; shear; slice; shave. 517: Break (intransitive); snap; shatter; tear; rip. 518: Blast (intransitive); explode; detonate; pop; burst. 519: Hit (something); beat; strike; crash into. 520: Hold (something); grab; physically support. GEOMETRIC SHAPES 549: Be a shape; form; design; layout; structure. 550: Be a border; outline; frame. 551: Be a surface; skin. 552: Be a side; face (of an object). 553: Be a top; peak. 554: Be a bottom; base. 555: Be a slope; incline; ramp. 556: Be a bump; lump; pile; mound. 557: Be a loop; a shape which has no end. 558: Be a hole; pit; tunnel; cave. 559: Be a ball; sphere. 560: Be a cylinder. 561: Be a tube; pipe. 562: Be a block; rectangular prism; a solid geometric object. 563: Be a helix. 564: Be a rectangle. 565: Be a circle. 566: Be a spiral. 567: Be a line. 568: Be a row. 569: Be a column. GEOMETRIC PROPERTIES 590: Be straight; extending or moving in one direction only; direct. 591: Be curved; round. 592: Be flat; even; smooth. 593: Be a volume; size; cubic distance. 594: Be large; big; great. 595: Be small; little. 596: Be long; with a great length. 597: Be short; with a small length. 598: Be tall; with a great height. 599: Be short; with a small height. 600: Be wide. 601: Be narrow. 602: Be thick; large in the tertiary direction. 603: Be thin; small in the tertiary direction. 604: Be hollow; with an empty cavity. 605: Be a range; span; length; interval. 606: Be a start; beginning; the start of an object or span. 607: Be an end; finish; the end of an object or span. 608: Be a middle; centre. 609: Be an edge. 610: Be sharp; tapered. 611: Be parallel to; along. 612: Be perpendicular to; at a right angle. 613: Be diagonal to; oblique. 614: Be an angle; degree measure; corner; joint; hinge. MATERIAL TYPES 643: Be a material; substance. 644: Be space; void; gap; vacuum; the absence of anything. 645: Be matter. 646: Be a proton. 647: Be a neutron. 648: Be an electron. 649: Be an atom. 650: Be hydrogen. 651: Be carbon. 652: Be oxygen. 653: Be a molecule. 654: Be ice. 655: Be snow. 656: Be metal. 657: Be aluminum. 658: Be iron. 659: Be steel. 660: Be copper. 661: Be bronze. 662: Be gold. 663: Be rock; stone. 664: Be salt. 665: Be sand. 666: Be clay. 667: Be ceramic; porcelain. 668: Be cement. 669: Be tar; asphalt. 670: Be chalk. 671: Be glass; a transparent material. 672: Be gem; crystal; jewel. 673: Be glue. 674: Be plastic. 675: Be rubber. 676: Be lumber; wood. 677: Be coal. 678: Be ash. 679: Be foam; sponge. MATERIAL PROPERTIES 706: Be a solid; a state of matter. 707: Melt (intransitive). 708: Be a texture; how something feels. 709: Be soft; malleable; flexible. 710: Be hard; firm; rigid. 711: Be viscous; thick; gooey. 712: Be thin; runny. 713: Be dense; having a lot of mass per volume. 714: Having a low density; a small amount of mass per volume. 715: Be a resource; nutrient; supply. 716: Be medicine. 717: Be poison; venom. COLORS 746: Be a color. 747: Be red. 748: Be orange. 749: Be yellow. 750: Be green. 751: Be blue. 752: Be purple; violet. 753: Be white. 754: Be gray/grey. 755: Be black. APPEARANCE/LIGHT 786: Be light; either light itself or a light producing source. 787: See (something). 788: Look (at something); watch. 789: Check; inspect; see the status of something. 790: Seem like (something); appear to be; look like. 791: Show; point; draw attention to; demonstrate; indicate; reveal. 792: Hide (transitive); conceal. 793: Appear; become visible. 794: Be bright/brightly; light; shining. 795: Be dark; dim. 796: Flash (intransitive); blink; sparkle; glimmer. 797: Be blank; bare; bald. 798: Be clear/clearly; transparent. 799: Be unclear; opaque. 800: Be an ornament; decoration. 801: Be beautiful/beautifully; pretty. 802: Be ugly. 803: Be a lens. 804: Be a star; sun. LIQUIDS 825: Be a liquid. 826: Be water. 827: Boil (intransitive). 828: Freeze (intransitive). 829: Pour (intransitive); spill. 830: Float; be buoyant in a liquid. 831: Swim (intransitive); move through water. 832: Be wet; damp. 833: Be dry. 834: Be rain. 835: Be oil. 836: Be ammonia. 837: Be vinegar. 838: Be blood. 839: Be sweat. 840: Be juice. 841: Be an acid; acidic liquid. 842: Be a base; basic liquid. TEMPERATURE/AIR 867: Be warm; a little hot. 868: Be cool; a little cold. 869: Be a fire. 870: Burn (intransitive); be incinerated. 871: Be an oven; stove; grill. 872: Be a refrigerator; freezer. 873: Be air. 874: Be steam. 875: Condense (intransitive). 876: Be weather; climate. 877: Be the sky. 878: Be a cloud. 879: Be smoke. 880: Be wind; gust; breeze. 881: Breathe (something). 882: Be a fan; for pushing air. 883: Fly (intransitive); move through air. CLEANLINESS/SMELL 905: Be clean. 906: Be dirty; filthy. 907: Be a bath; tub. 908: Be a toilet. 909: Shower (intransitive); spray. 910: Be a napkin; tissue. 911: Be a broom; mop. 912: Be dust; powder. 913: Be garbage; waste; trash. 914: Smell (something). 915: Be a smell; odor; scent. 916: Be soap. UNITS 939: Be a unit. 940: Be a minute. 941: Be a day; either 24 hours or the period of sunlight. 942: Be a year. 943: Be a hertz. 944: Be a foot; a unit of length. 945: Be a mile. 946: Be a gallon. 947: Be a pound. 948: Be a meter. 949: Be a liter. 950: Be a gram. 951: Be a newton. INANIMATE PARTS 981: Be a part; piece; component. 982: Connect (to something); join; attach. 983: Be total/totally; entire/entirely; whole; full/fully; complete/completely. 984: Be a wall. 985: Be a door; gate. 986: Be an entrance. 987: Be an exit. 988: Be a window. 989: Be a room; chamber. 990: Be a hall; hallway. 991: Be a stair; step. 992: Be a ladder. 993: Be a floor. 994: Be a nail; for construction. 995: Be a screw. 996: Be a chain. 997: Be a wheel. 998: Be a gear. 999: Be an engine. LIVING PARTS 1027: Be a body. 1028: Be a torso; chest and abdomen. 1029: Be a head; a part of the body. 1030: Be a face (of a person or animal). 1031: Be a limb; appendage; branch. 1032: Be a neck. 1033: Be an arm. 1034: Be a leg. 1035: Be a hand; a part of the body. 1036: Be a finger; thumb. 1037: Be a foot; a part of the body. 1038: Be a toe. 1039: Be an organ (of the body). 1040: Be an eye. 1041: Be a mouth. 1042: Be a tongue. 1043: Be a tooth. 1044: Be an ear. 1045: Be a nose. 1046: Be a brain. 1047: Be a heart. 1048: Be a stomach. 1049: Be a lung. 1050: Be an bone. 1051: Be hair; fur; wool. 1052: Be a wing. 1053: Be a feather. 1054: Be a root. 1055: Be a stem; trunk. 1056: Be a leaf. 1057: Be a flower. GENERAL LIFE 1088: Live; be alive. 1089: Be born; become alive. 1090: Die; become dead. 1091: Hurt (something); damage; harm; injure. 1092: Be allergic (to something). 1093: Be a cell; part of an organism. 1094: Decompose (intransitive); decay; rot. 1095: Be a ghost; spirit. 1096: Be nature; phenomena not made by man. NON-ANIMAL LIFE 1119: Be a plant. 1120: Be a tree. 1121: Be a seed. 1122: Be grass. 1123: Be wheat. 1124: Be corn. 1125: Be a carrot. 1126: Be a pepper. 1127: Be a cucumber. 1128: Be a zucchini. 1129: Be an onion. 1130: Be garlic. 1131: Be broccoli. 1132: Be a potato. 1133: Be a tomato. 1134: Be an apple. 1135: Be a banana. 1136: Be a grape. 1137: Be an orange. 1138: Be a lemon. 1139: Be a lime. 1140: Be a melon. 1141: Be a berry. 1142: Be a bacteria. 1143: Be a disease; illness; sickness; germ. 1144: Be a mushroom; fungus. ANIMAL LIFE 1172: Be an animal; creature. 1173: Be a gender. 1174: Be an egg. 1175: Be a worm. 1176: Be an arthropod; animal with exoskeleton; insect; crustacean; bug. 1177: Be an insect. 1178: Be an arachnid. 1179: Be a crustacean. 1180: Be a mollusk; soft-bellied creature; snail; octopus; squid. 1181: Be a snail. 1182: Be an octopus. 1183: Be a squid. 1184: Be a fish. 1185: Be a reptile. 1186: Be an amphibian; frog. 1187: Be a bird. 1188: Be a chicken. 1189: Be a mammal. 1190: Be a rodent. 1191: Be a cat. 1192: Be a dog. 1193: Be a sheep; lamb. 1194: Be a horse; pony. 1195: Be a cow; cattle. 1196: Be a pig. PEOPLE 1225: Be a person. 1226: Be an adult. 1227: Be a child; kid; teenager. 1228: Be a man; male. 1229: Be a woman; female. 1230: Be a family. 1231: Marry (someone); become a spouse of. 1232: Be a spouse; husband; wife. 1233: Be a parent; mother; father. 1234: Be a child; offspring. 1235: Be a sibling; brother; sister. 1236: Meet (someone). 1237: Be a friend. 1238: Be an enemy. 1239: Be a god. QUALITIES 1267: Be a quality; trait. 1268: Be a kind; type; sort. 1269: Be different; differing; contrasting. 1270: Be like; similar to; related to. 1271: Be anti; opposite; inverse in meaning. 1272: Be good/well. 1273: Be bad. 1274: Be okay; decent/decently; acceptable. 1275: Be correct/correctly; right. 1276: Be incorrect; wrong. 1277: Be easy/easily. 1278: Be difficult; hard. 1279: Be basic; simple; plain. 1280: Be complicated; complex. 1281: Be fancy; formal. 1282: Be informal; casual. 1283: Be polite/politely; civilized. 1284: Be rude. 1285: Be greedy; selfish. 1286: Be generous; selfless. 1287: Be patient. 1288: Be impatient. 1289: Be lazy. 1290: Be hard-working. 1291: Be professional; experienced; expert; skilled. 1292: Be amateur; unskilled; inexperienced; noobish. 1293: Be clever; smart; intelligent. 1294: Be dumb; stupid. 1295: Be efficient; efficacious. 1296: Be inefficient; wasteful. 1297: Be fair/fairly; just; right. 1298: Be pure/purely. 1299: Be public/publicly. 1300: Be automatic/automatically; with no external intervention. 1301: Be manual; with external intervention. 1302: Be popular; cool; famous. 1303: Be unpopular; uncool; notorious. 1304: Be cute; adorable. 1305: Be special; original; unique. 1306: Be free/freely. 1307: Be useful; helpful. 1308: Be important; serious; matter; relevant. 1309: Be main; chief; principal; primary. 1310: Be available; accessible. 1311: Be ready; prepared. STATES/EMOTIONS 1332: Be a status; state; mode; emotion. 1333: Change (intransitive); become different. 1334: Feel (an object or emotion); sense. 1335: Be happy/happily; glad. 1336: Be unhappy; sad. 1337: Be angry/angrily; mad. 1338: Be crazy/crazily; mad; wild. 1339: Be tame; docile; domestic. 1340: Care about (something); have concern for; worry about; respect. 1341: Be nice; kind. 1342: Be mean; unkind; cruel. 1343: Excite (someone); make eager. 1344: Be calm/calmly. 1345: Enjoy (something); like; prefer. 1346: Dislike. 1347: Love; adore. 1348: Hate. 1349: Want; wish for; hope for; seek. 1350: Interest (someone); be interesting to; fascinate. 1351: Bore (someone); be boring to. 1352: Scare; frighten. 1353: Be brave; bold/boldly; courageous; confident. 1354: Be cowardly; fearful; nervous; hesitant. 1355: Be careful/carefully; alert; prudent; cautious; gentle/gently. 1356: Be careless; bashful. 1357: Be proud/proudly. 1358: Be embarrassed. 1359: Be busy/busily; preoccupied. 1360: Be guilty; shameful; sorry. 1361: Be a pain; ache. 1362: Be dizzy; have vertigo. 1363: Annoy (someone); be annoying to; irritate. 1364: Be energetic. 1365: Be tired; sluggish; sleepy. ACTIONS 1388: Do (something); perform (an action); be involved with; participate in. 1389: Respond (with an action); reply; react. 1390: Continue (something); keep doing. 1391: Try (something); attempt; make an effort. 1392: Stand. 1393: Reach (for something). 1394: Use. 1395: Capture; trap. 1396: Release. 1397: Act; perform; behave. 1398: Adapt (to a condition); conform. 1399: Test; experiment (with something). 1400: Solve (something); repair; fix. 1401: Hug (someone); embrace. 1402: Kiss (someone). 1403: Help (to do something); assist in. 1404: Surprise (someone); startle. 1405: Interrupt (something); interfere with. 1406: Confuse (someone). 1407: Be a mistake; accident. 1408: Practice (a skill); exercise. 1409: Be a project. 1410: Be a task; job. THOUGHTS 1441: Be a concept; idea; thought; topic; subject. 1442: Be about; concerning. 1443: Know; remember. 1444: Forget. 1445: Think (about something). 1446: Should; appropriate; proper/properly; supposed to. 1447: Need; require; must. 1448: Teach (something); educate. 1449: Learn; study; research. 1450: Identify (something); recognize; be familiar with. 1451: Find; come to know where something is; discover. 1452: Pick (an option); choose; decide; select. 1453: Predict (something); expect; infer; assume; estimate; judge; guess. 1454: Trust; rely on; depend on. 1455: Agree (with something or someone). 1456: Disagree (with something or someone). 1457: Trick (someone); deceive; fool. 1458: Be a problem; conflict; issue; drama; trouble; puzzle; challenge; flaw. 1459: Suppose (that something is true); have an opinion; think that; believe. 1460: Be science. 1461: Be a religion. 1462: Be creative/creatively; innovative. 1463: Be logic; reason; sense. 1464: Notice; become aware of. 1465: Focus (on something); pay attention to; concentrate on. 1466: Plan; scheme. 1467: Relate (to something). 1468: Understand; comprehend. 1469: Mean (something); signify; represent; imply. OWNERSHIP 1491: Have; own; possess. 1492: Get (something); receive. 1493: Take (something); actively remove. 1494: Give (something); donate. 1495: Send (something); submit. 1496: Be a prize; reward; award; bonus. SOUNDS/MUSIC 1525: Be a noise; sound. 1526: Hear. 1527: Listen (to something). 1528: Be a buzz; hum; hiss. 1529: Be a beep; blip; chirp; squeak. 1530: Cough (intransitive). 1531: Sneeze. 1532: Laugh (at something). 1533: Applaud (at something); clap. 1534: Be loud/loudly; noisy. 1535: Be quiet; soft. 1536: Be a bell. 1537: Be music. 1538: Dance (to music). 1539: Sing (a song). SPEECH 1563: Be voice; speech. 1564: Say (something); speak; talk; tell. 1565: Announce; declare. 1566: Describe (something); explain; report. 1567: Ask (a question). 1568: Answer (a response). 1569: Suggest (to do something); advise; direct; instruct; guide; lead. 1570: Warn (about something); alarm; alert. 1571: Thank (for doing something). 1572: Cry (speech); weep. 1573: Approve; confirm; praise; support. 1574: Disapprove; oppose; complain about. 1575: Be a story; tale; rumor. 1576: Be a joke. 1577: Greet (someone); welcome; hello; hi. 1578: Say goodbye (to someone). 1579: Be a language. 1580: Be this language; 1580; the numlang. 1581: Be a word. 1582: Be a name; title. 1583: Be a pronoun. 1584: Be a verb. 1585: Be a sentence. WRITING/IMAGES 1616: Write (text). 1617: Erase (text); delete. 1618: Read (text). 1619: Be text. 1620: Be a list. 1621: Be a picture; image. 1622: Be ink. 1623: Be a pen; for writing. 1624: Be a pencil. 1625: Mark (something). 1626: Draw (an image). 1627: Be a symbol; letter; digit; character. 1628: Be a dot; point; period. 1629: Be a stripe. 1630: Be an arrow; a pointing symbol. 1631: Be paper. 1632: Be a card. 1633: Be a document; essay; article. 1634: Be a book. 1635: Be a library; a place for books. 1636: Be a note; a reminder for someone. 1637: Be mail; letter (to be sent as mail). 1638: Be news; tabloid. 1639: Be a sign; something posted for people to read. 1640: Be a label; tag. 1641: Be a flag. 1642: Be a video; movie. 1643: Be a cartoon; animation. FOOD TYPES 1666: Be food. 1667: Be bread; roll. 1668: Be dough. 1669: Be pasta. 1670: Be rice. 1671: Be a fruit. 1672: Be a vegetable. 1673: Be salad. 1674: Be a nut. 1675: Be a peanut. 1676: Be an almond. 1677: Be a bean; legume. 1678: Be milk. 1679: Be butter. 1680: Be cheese. 1681: Be sauce. 1682: Be soup. 1683: Be meat; flesh; muscle. 1684: Be a sandwich. 1685: Be pizza. 1686: Be sugar. 1687: Be cake. 1688: Be ice cream. 1689: Be candy. 1690: Be chocolate. 1691: Be coffee. 1692: Be soda. 1693: Be alcohol. 1694: Be wine. 1695: Be beer. 1696: Be mint. FOOD ACTIONS/PROPERTIES 1726: Eat (something); consume; drink. 1727: Bite (something). 1728: Chew. 1729: Taste (something). 1730: Be a taste; flavor. 1731: Be sweet. 1732: Be sour. 1733: Be spicy. 1734: Be bitter. 1735: Be fresh. 1736: Be stale. 1737: Be hungry. 1738: Be full (of food); not hungry. 1739: Be thirsty. 1740: Be quenched; not thirsty. 1741: Be a dish; plate. 1742: Be a utensil. 1743: Be a fork. 1744: Be a knife. 1745: Be a spoon. 1746: Bake (intransitive); cook. TOOLS 1771: Be a tool. 1772: Be a hook. 1773: Be a net; mesh. 1774: Be a clip; clamp; used for attaching things. 1775: Be a lever. 1776: Be an axle; used in a hinge. 1777: Be a hammer. 1778: Be a drill. 1779: Be a machine; device. 1780: Be an outlet (for electricity or another resource); spout; dispenser; faucet. CONTAINERS/COVERS 1805: Contain; include; encompass. 1806: Cover (something); wrap. 1807: Be full; with no space remaining. 1808: Be empty; containing nothing. 1809: Open (intransitive). 1810: Close (intransitive). 1811: Lock (something). 1812: Unlock (something). 1813: Be a key; for locking and unlocking. 1814: Be a knob; handle; for holding or for opening a door. 1815: Be a bag; purse. 1816: Be a pocket. 1817: Be a capsule; pellet; pill; pod. 1818: Be a bottle. 1819: Be a cup. 1820: Be a bowl. 1821: Be a bucket. 1822: Be a box. FURNITURE 1853: Be furniture. 1854: Be a table. 1855: Be a chair; couch. 1856: Sit (intransitive). 1857: Rest (intransitive); lie; take a break; relax. 1858: Be comfortable. 1859: Be uncomfortable. 1860: Be a bed. 1861: Be a pillow; cushion. 1862: Be a blanket; cover; sheet; towel. 1863: Sleep (intransitive). 1864: Be a rug; carpet; mat. CLOTHES 1892: Be clothes; for wearing. 1893: Wear (an article). 1894: Be string; thread; lace; rope. 1895: Be cloth; fabric. 1896: Be a bandage; bandaid. 1897: Be a shirt. 1898: Be a coat; jacket; clothes for cold weather. 1899: Be a hat. 1900: Be glasses; used to aid vision. 1901: Be pants. 1902: Be a shoe. 1903: Be a sock. GAMES/ENTERTAINMENT 1926: Be a game; competition; sport. 1927: Play (a game or instrument). 1928: Amuse (someone); entertain; be fun to. 1929: Be funny; humorous. 1930: Celebrate (something). 1931: Be a party. 1932: Be a balloon. 1933: Be art. 1934: Be a toy. 1935: Be a point; grade; a unit of score. 1936: Win (a competition); be victorious in; succeed at. 1937: Lose (a competition); fail at. COMPUTERS/ELECTRONICS 1963: Be electricity. 1964: Be a battery. 1965: Be a wire; cable. 1966: Be a resistor. 1967: Be a diode. 1968: Be a transistor. 1969: Be a circuit. 1970: Be on; active/actively; doing something. 1971: Be off; inactive; not doing anything. 1972: Be an input. 1973: Be a switch; for making and breaking a circuit. 1974: Be a button; key; an input device which is pressed. 1975: Be an output. 1976: Be a screen; monitor; display. 1977: Be a pixel. 1978: Be a speaker. 1979: Be memory; storage. 1980: Be a computer. 1981: Compute (a result); calculate. 1982: Be information; data; signal. 1983: Be a program (on a computer); application. 1984: Be code. 1985: Be the Web; Internet. 1986: Be a phone; telephone. VEHICLES 2014: Be a vehicle. 2015: Ride (a vehicle or animal). 2016: Be fuel. 2017: Be a bike. 2018: Be a car. 2019: Be a bus. 2020: Be a truck. 2021: Be a road; street. 2022: Be a bridge; a pathway across something. 2023: Be a train. 2024: Be a rail; track; for holding or for trains. 2025: Be a boat. 2026: Be a plane; airplane. COMMERCE 2054: Be money; currency. 2055: Be a dollar. 2056: Be value; worth. 2057: Be a price; cost. 2058: Be a market; economy. 2059: Be a company; business. 2060: Be an office. 2061: Be a shop; store. 2062: Be a restaurant; cafe. 2063: Be a bank. 2064: Be a job; occupation. 2065: Work (on something); do labor. 2066: Advertise (something). 2067: Earn (something); deserve; merit. 2068: Buy; purchase. 2069: Sell; vend. AUTHORITY 2100: Be please; makes the subject action imperative. 2101: Let (something occur); allow; permit. 2102: Demand (something); request; order; command. 2103: Control (something); drive; manipulate; rule. 2104: Be a government; a system of law. 2105: Be the police; security. 2106: Be a law; rule; regulation. COMBAT 2135: Be a war; battle; combat. 2136: Shoot (ammunition); fire. 2137: Fight (someone); attack. 2138: Be danger; peril. 2139: Be safety; security. 2140: Defend (something/someone); protect; guard; keep safe; preserve; conserve. LAND/SEA 2167: Be Earth; the planet. 2168: Be land; parcel; lot; country. 2169: Be a hill; mountain. 2170: Be an island. 2171: Be dirt; soil; ground. 2172: Dig (in something); excavate. 2173: Be a shovel. 2174: Be a farm. 2175: Be a park. 2176: Be a town; village; city. 2177: Be a building; a structure with a roof and walls. 2178: Be a house. 2179: Be a school. 2180: Be a beach. 2181: Be an ocean; sea. 2182: Be a lake; pond. 2183: Be a river; stream. 2184: Be a map. 2185: Be a planet. 2186: Be a moon. 2187: Be a world. 2188: Be a universe.